• Welcome to the Jungle

    Welcome to the Jungle

    Oh… woah, hey there! Give me a moment; I’m just waking up from a nap and I didn’t expect to meet anyone new today. I’m glad to meet new people, as long as you let me come up to you if it is floor hours. Feel free to give me all the pets if I

  • Music Review

    Music Review

    Hey everyone! It’s a new school year, and it looks like I’m back at it for the music review column. My name is Liz and I’m a senior. I’ve done plenty of music reviews before, about everything from K-pop to video game music to the one and only Cher. I provide a little bit of

  • Virtual Hangouts: Video Games

    Virtual Hangouts: Video Games

    As we get farther into the semester, some students on campus are trying to find more ways to connect with their friends who are in another dorm or studying remotely. Why not kick up the competition and friendly rivalry and play some video games? One of the most popular party games right now is Among

  • Welcome to the Jungle: Al

    Welcome to the Jungle: Al

    Hi, I’m Al and this is my first year on campus! Right now, I’m swimming around Brinser with my moms, Korinne Gieger and Elizabeth Cunningham. They picked me up over the summer to ensure that their triple didn’t seem so empty, since their third roommate decided not to come because of COVID-19. I actually spent

  • How to Get Back into Academic Work after the Winter Break

    Winter Break has come and gone. Some might be excited for new classes, a fresh start and having a routine again. Others, however, might be reluctant put forth effort into their school work and to get back in the habit of a college routine. If you fall into the latter category, here are some tipsREAD MORE
  • Interior Design: Making the most of your dorm with these fall decor ideas

    Autumn is full of colors, and a lot of people enjoy decorating; college is no different. Many students at Elizabethtown College want to or already have decorated the doors of their dorms. Some may want to, yet it could be that they have never decorated before now. There are many ways to go about it.