• Emily Dickinson movie celebrates poetry month

    Emily Dickinson movie celebrates poetry month

    April is National Poetry Month, and in the spring 2018 semester, Elizabethtown College had a special focus on the great American poet Emily Dickinson. Last month, March 15, the College held an Emily Dickinson concert in Zug Recital Hall. March 15 also marked the opening of an Emily Dickinson exhibit in the High Library, entitled

  • Review: Lady Bird a beautiful, relatable debut

    Review: Lady Bird a beautiful, relatable debut

    I had just dyed the ends of my hair pink when “Lady Bird” burst onto the scene. That’s not of much importance, I just thought it was ironic. I was a little worried everyone was thinking I was being a basic indie try-hard, trying to associate myself with the newest comedy-drama. Now having seen “Lady

  • Movie Review:  “Tomb Raider” seizes upon familiar format

    Movie Review: “Tomb Raider” seizes upon familiar format

    Lara Croft and the “Tomb Raider” franchise have been a fixture in video games for the last 20 years. As a protagonist, Croft serves as the female equivalent of Indiana Jones and has helped to recruit legions of female gamers, especially in the new millennium. In 2013, Croft’s story was reimagined by game developers, and

  • Movie Review:  The Last Airbender

    Movie Review: The Last Airbender

    I’m sorry for having to do this. I only had time to watch one new movie over spring break, and I’m so sorry it had to be this one. To anyone who believes that this movie doesn’t exist, please spare yourself now. M. Night Shyamalan’s “The Last Airbender”…let’s discuss. Right off the bat, Dev Patel

  • Review: “The 15:17 to Paris”: Real-life drama derails in film debut

    Review: “The 15:17 to Paris”: Real-life drama derails in film debut

    When you tell certain stories, some thought should be put into how you want them to be interpreted and absorbed. In the case of adapting them for the screen, some of these stories benefit from being portrayed as feature films. Films with ensemble casts can accurately recreate stories and deliver strong performances, which elicit appropriate

  • Movie Review: “The Greatest Showman” a sanitized spectacle

    Movie Review: “The Greatest Showman” a sanitized spectacle

    Everybody enjoys seeing one form of entertainment or another. Whether it be a movie, theatrical performance, sporting event or concert, there is always something out there that can provide a temporary escape for people and put smiles on their faces. There are also kinds of entertainment, however, that pose questions like, “To what lengths and

  • “Jumanji” sequel meets subpar expectations

    The recent string of sequels to 90s movies closed out 2017 with the release of “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle.” While I originally vowed to never see this film, my opinion was swayed by two simple words: Alex Wolff. If you read my review of Netflix’s “Death Note” from last semester, you know I firmly

  • ‘Lockout’ space abduction fails to capture interest

    ‘Lockout’ space abduction fails to capture interest

    I am a self-proclaimed film buff, film geek, movie nerd; you name it, it’s me! I own over 800 movies, which line the ceiling of my bedroom, so when I was given the opportunity to do a movie review, I jumped on it. Movies are sort of my thing: I eat, breathe and sleep films.

  • “Extremely Loud” is incredibly awesome

    “Extremely Loud” is incredibly awesome

    Last year, America remembered and honored the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. Regardless of whether or not a person was present in New York City that day, it seems that everyone has his or her own story of 9/11. Almost anyone could tell you where they were when they saw the smoking buildings