• Women’s lacrosse sets sights on championship

    Women’s lacrosse sets sights on championship

    The Elizabethtown women’s lacrosse team came into the season with one objective in mind: to win their second MAC championship in the team’s history. This goal was set in motion with an early victory over non-conference opponent McDaniel College after their first game ended in a loss to Dickinson College. In those two games, first-year

  • Coaches approach alcohol consumption differently

    The 48-hour rule is something that athletes at Elizabethtown College are well aware of. This rule states that players cannot consume alcohol within 48 hours of participating in an athletic event. While each team handles drinking in different ways and with different punishments, there are two conclusions that all of the coaches seem to agree

  • Women’s lacrosse players step up against former teammates

    Women’s lacrosse players step up against former teammates

    The first game of every season is the moment of truth when players and coaches discover whether or not the work they put in during preseason practices will pay off. For most Elizabethtown College athletes, their unconventional first game of the season is always against past players that were once a part of their beloved