• Sending everyone the warmest farewell

    Sending everyone the warmest farewell

    My life in the journalism world began when I was in ninth grade. I loved everything about writing articles, so it was no surprise when first-year me wandered over to the Etownian table at the club fair. I was presented with a choice of what section I wanted to write for, which was an entirely

  • Investigation into lack of follow-up action for bias incidents on campus

    Investigation into lack of follow-up action for bias incidents on campus

    As the spring semester comes to an end, it seems like everyone is in a rush to complete things. Students are putting the final touches on end-of-the-year papers, professors are grading those papers and the administration is working hard to get ready for the summer. However, in one important aspect, Elizabethtown College is making seemingly

  • The Weekly Treat: Spongebob Pop

    The Weekly Treat: Spongebob Pop

    What’s up Crumb Crew, Nat here serving up your next entry for the Weekly Treat! And what a tasty surprise we’ve all must’ve received on this fine day! The campus hosted a surprise guest on this hot day: an ice cream truck, serving a wide variety of free ice-cold treats. From sandwiches to characters on

  • The Students of Etown: Mahli Rupp

    The Students of Etown: Mahli Rupp

    Despite Elizabethtown College being a small school compared to most of the colleges in the area, it is nearly impossible to know all of the students on campus. Each one of them has their own unique story on how they came to attend Etown, and it is important to know that their story has value.

  • Student Wages Op-Ed Companion Piece

    Student Wages Op-Ed Companion Piece

    Note: The Etownian reached out to Student Senate and the Business Office, but were unable to receive a response due to time constraint. In addition, the statements in this piece are entirely the individual’s opinion and do not reflect the opinions of the Etownian. Some statements were edited for length and clarity. Back in February

  • Op-Ed: Student wages

    Op-Ed: Student wages

    The current campus minimum wage is $8.25. No amount of complicated pay schemes can change that. This fact doesn’t sit well with many of us at Elizabethtown College: that’s why we (Nicholas Wiley and Gabriel Karl) are writing this Op-Ed on behalf of the Etown Young Democratic Socialists of America. Gabriel $8.25 is too little,

  • Movie Review: Sonic 2

    Movie Review: Sonic 2

    In order to get into the mind of the Blue Blur, I knew I had to make an effort to act like he does. That means before I stepped into the theater, I was to indulge in Sonic’s favorite dish of choice: a chili dog. It was my first time eating the dish, and I

  • 04/21/22 Horoscopes

    04/21/22 Horoscopes

    Aquarius: You’re coming back better than ever, Aquarians. Maybe you had an illness or a setback, but now you’re ready to tackle anything life throws at you. Pisces: For those who may be dealing with changes in their home lives, it’s important to lean on your friends and family, while also exploring your internal thought

  • Abby’s Advice: Selling Unwanted Items

    Abby’s Advice: Selling Unwanted Items

    One of the hallmarks of a semester’s end is the advertising of used books. Students flock to apps (like the trusty Jays App) and group chats, sneak casual offers into conversation and make their Venmo accounts known to all in the weeks just before and after a semester begins and ends, all in the effort