• Young Americans for Liberty take field trip to Trop

    Young Americans for Liberty take field trip to Trop

    In honor of Constitution Week, the Young Americans for Liberty group at Etown visited the Trop Gun Shop shooting range on Tuesday, Sept. 16. After a safety briefing and gun familiarization class, 16 students had the chance to freely shoot in six lanes that were donated by the gun shop. Both gun supporters and those

  • Students attend summer LGBTQ activism camp

    Introduced in 2002, Campus Pride started as an online group called Campus PrideNet, which provided services to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) and ally students and faculty on college campuses. The founders eventually expanded their project into Campus Pride as it is today. Its outreach now includes a leadership camp that three Elizabethtown

  • Sophomore program begins with dinner event

    Sophomore program begins with dinner event

    The new Sophomore Experience program debuted Thursday evening with a dinner for the current sophomore class, along with at least one faculty member per table, in the KAV. Associate Professor of History and Assistant Dean for General Education and Assessment Dr. Brian Newsome introduced the Sophomore Experience as a series of events throughout the year



  • Black Friday causes shoppers to stress

    Black Friday is a time for people to tent out in front of stores, like Best Buy, for eight hours in hopes of getting 30 percent off items like iPads. It is a marketing invention used to delude people into thinking they are getting the best deals on the hottest items. People become animalistic over,

  • Broke senior offers creative money-saving tips

    Broke senior offers creative money-saving tips

    There is no one who is more marginalized in the first world than college students. We are always being exploited for free labor, having our IDs checked and being told to turn our music down. We are stereotyped as people who drink all day and we are all fans of the band Vampire Weekend (I

  • Social networking, affects on modern user, society

    Social networking, affects on modern user, society

    Katy Perry smirks in her music video “Last Friday Night,” while singing lyrics “Pictures of last night ended up online, I’m screwed, oh well.” In the days before social networking sites the thought of advertising your illegal evening activities would be uncalled for. However today, underage drinkers bask in the glory of having photos of