Author's Posts

  • Media Review: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

    Media Review: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom0

    This week, I want to share a book that’s been on my to-be-read list for quite some time, and I’m so glad I finally sat down to read it. It was captivating, with a thrilling twist partway through, and it constantly left me thinking even after it was over. So, dear Jays, here is my

  • Recipe Review: Mac & Choc

    Recipe Review: Mac & Choc0

    As you may have figured out by the many dessert recipes I’ve tried this year already, I have a bit of a sweet tooth. This week isn’t much different, but I went with one I think even the most steadfast savory fans will still enjoy: mac & chocolate! To start, grab yourself a cup of

  • Recipe Review: Honey cakes

    Recipe Review: Honey cakes0

    Though the weather may still be windy and chilly, spring has begun and it’s time to start bringing out all the fresh flavors of the season. Recently, a few of my friends got together to celebrate Ostara, the holiday celebrated by Pagans and Wiccans for the Spring Equinox. We decided to make honey cakes for

  • Students of Etown: Kara Sullivan

    Students of Etown: Kara Sullivan0

    This week, meet Kara Sullivan, a third-year early education major from Harrisburg, Pa. with a passion for dance. Sullivan has been keeping busy during her time at Elizabethtown College. Currently, she is involved in the Education Organization, the Council for Exceptional Children and Kappa Delta Pi , which all provide her with opportunities related to