Author's Posts

  • Horoscopes: New changes with the spring equinox

    Horoscopes: New changes with the spring equinox0

    Happy spring, Blue Jays! With the Spring Equinox on March 20, we’ve officially entered a new season. With more sunlight, longer days and incoming warmer weather, this season is shaping up to be a good one. But what does this all mean for your sign? Use your sun, moon and rising signs for the most

  • Horoscopes: Which snack will fuel you through midterms?

    Horoscopes: Which snack will fuel you through midterms?0

    Halfway there, Jays! Hopefully Spring Break granted you just enough of a reprieve to feel refreshed and jump back into the semester, just in time for midterms. With late night study sessions and cramming between classes this upcoming week, your mind and body are definitely going to need some fuel. So, what should your sign