• Student Senate

    Student Senate

    • News
    • October 11, 2018

    Student Senate’s meeting Thursday, Sept. 20 began with a special order: the Oath of Office for new senators. The student comments section followed the special order, raising questions, which other senators or faculty answered. Among these was the question of why only one level of American Sign Language is offered at Elizabethtown College. Vice President

  • The Weekly Chirp: Students, faculty weigh in: Is online harassment of celebrities a problem?

    The Weekly Chirp: Students, faculty weigh in: Is online harassment of celebrities a problem?

    History shows that celebrities, living in the limelight of fans and media attention, aren’t afforded much privacy. The existence of social media further blurs the line between private life and public persona. So where do we draw the line? Recent media attention surrounding Ariana Grande suggests a boundary should be established sooner rather than later.

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    The weekly Student Senate meeting was held in Hoover 212 Thursday, April 12. The meeting began with a call to order by senior President Sean Fiedler and was followed by an oath of office. Junior Secretary Tara Young took roll call and approved the minutes. After the approval of the minutes, there were some student