• The Study Abroad Experience

    The Study Abroad Experience

    Written by: Emily Wieder At the crack of dawn Dec. 20, 2017, I took a final jog around Aix-en-Provence. Ten hours later, I slid onto my favorite park bench to watch the sun set. The day symbolized my evolution during the semester, from my dim beginnings to thoughts that flowed more easily in French than

  • The Study Abroad Experience

    The Study Abroad Experience

    Written by: Quinten Yonkers To say that this study abroad experience has been the best year of my life is an understatement. This is my third time in Japan but the only time I have been here for more than two weeks. I have learned so much about this country and the culture of the

  • The Study Abroad Experience

    The Study Abroad Experience

    Written by Sara Kroboth My time abroad kicked off about eight months ago when I landed in Vienna to embrace the record-breaking hot weather with two strangers. The German semester is different than the American semester—classes don’t start until October—so Vienna was technically a pre-semester program in which we would be taking German and history

  • New Travel fund program open to students

    New Travel fund program open to students

    Student Senate recently passed a new program that will reimburse Elizabethtown College students with off-campus internships and positions for a portion of their gas and travel expenses. This program will be available for students who currently have unpaid positions off-campus. Those positions must fulfill some sort of requirement, such as a Signature Learning Experience (SLE)

  • The Study Abroad Experience

    The Study Abroad Experience

    Written by Thomas Gerow Bon dia from Barcelona, España! As I am writing this, I have been in Barcelona for about two months and have been loving every second of it. Before coming to Barcelona, I was honestly a tad bit nervous about the whole thing, especially living in one of the largest cities in

  • Student, faculty enjoy spring break in many ways

    Student, faculty enjoy spring break in many ways

    Elizabethtown College students had a week off from their studies from March 3 through March 11. Over the break, students participated in a variety of activities. Some of our Blue Jays traveled to foreign countries over the break. Sophomore Anajulia Blanch went to Jamaica on a service trip called “Won by One.” She learned about

  • The Study Abroad Experience

    The Study Abroad Experience

    Written by Rebecca Wortmann and Danielle Bellai Dia dhuit, hello from Ireland! We have been in Ireland for one month at this point so it seems like a great time to look back and think about our experience thus far. Leading up to the trip, our nerves were all over the place. After much preparation

  • The Study Abroad Experience

    The Study Abroad Experience

    • News
    • February 15, 2018

    Why do we travel? Some people want to meet new people and gain new perspectives. Others seek to step out of their comfort zones and learn more about themselves. We hope that if we travel we can make the world around us feel just a little bit smaller. When I first arrived at the Leonardo

  • The Study Abroad Experience

    The Study Abroad Experience

    • News
    • February 1, 2018

    When I was a little kid, my mom always told me to get out of my home state and go see the world. Having me when she was young prevented her from exploring the world and experiencing different cultures and she wanted to make sure that I would take advantage of every opportunity that came