• Student Senate

    Student Senate

    • News
    • September 24, 2020

    Student Senate met Thursday, Sept. 17 over Zoom for their weekly meeting. Vice President for Student Life Dr. Celestino Limas began the administrative reports segment of the meeting by reminding senators of the COVID-19 guidelines. According to Limas, many students have asked about the plan for the spring semester, to which he responds that while

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    Photo courtesy of Unsplash Student Senate met Thursday, March 12 for an unconventional meeting. Senators pushed off their scheduled agenda and began with a session for President Cecelia McCormick and Vice President for Student Life Celestino Limas to answer questions regarding Elizabethtown College’s recent COVID-19 update. McCormick began by saying that she hopes the College

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    • News
    • February 27, 2020

    Photo courtesy of unsplash.com Student Senate met for its weekly meeting Thursday, Feb. 20. The meeting began with a special order from Associate Director of Strengths Coaching and Ethical Leadership Development Stacey Zimmerman to discuss the changes to both June and August orientation for the upcoming year. June orientation will be cut back to two

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    Student Senate met Thursday, April 11 for its last meeting before running elections for next year. The meeting started with questions about summer housing for students staying on campus. Coordinator of Housing Operations Wendi Kenley answered questions about transportation, saying that a shuttle will run from the Featherton Apartments to Elizabethtown College based on times

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    During Student Senate’s meeting Thursday, March 21, senators spent the majority of their time in debate. The junior class senate is responsible for organizing junior/senior formal, and it has been the precedent that they provide a bus for transportation. However, it is not a requirement, and the funds can be hard to come by. Senators

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    Thursday, March 14, Student Senate held its most recent meeting, starting with a special order regarding the new work order system. Office/Work Station Manager for Facilities Management Bob Mrgich presented on the new automated system, which is a step up from the old manual one. This new system has been in place since before spring

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate met Thursday, Feb. 28 for its last meeting before Spring Break. The meeting began with a special order led by Director of Campus Security Andrew Powell. Powell spoke to senators about the newly formed Staff Council, which he serves on as chairperson. The group is comprised of 13 members with a goal of

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    Student Senate met Thursday, Feb. 21 for its weekly meeting, which began with two special orders. The first was a presentation from Senior Associate Director of Annual Giving Ben Osterhout regarding the Power of One Day event. Osterhout said that the goal for the event to be held Tuesday, March 19 is 1,700 donations within

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    • News
    • February 23, 2019

    Student Senate met for its weekly meeting Thursday, Feb. 14 to discuss multiple topics, beginning with a special order regarding Core program revitalization. Associate professor of music Dr. Justin Badgerow, with the help of Dean for Curriculum and Honors Dr. Brian Newsome, presented their plan to senators for revising the Core program, since it will