• Student Senate

    Student Senate

    • News
    • September 24, 2020

    Student Senate met Thursday, Sept. 17 over Zoom for their weekly meeting. Vice President for Student Life Dr. Celestino Limas began the administrative reports segment of the meeting by reminding senators of the COVID-19 guidelines. According to Limas, many students have asked about the plan for the spring semester, to which he responds that while

  • Board of Trustees meeting

    • News
    • September 23, 2020

    The October Board of Trustees meeting was held Saturday, Oct. 26 at 8:30 a.m. in the Susquehanna Room of Myer Residence Hall. As always, the meeting opened with the Mission Moment, which was presented by first-year Eric Schubert. Schubert runs a genealogy business that allows people to trace their ancestry. In his presentation, Schubert began

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    • News
    • December 6, 2018

    After not meeting for two consecutive weeks, Student Senate held a meeting Thursday, Nov. 29. As always, the meeting began with student comments and announcements, but this meeting was met with silence. Since there were no comments, senators moved into administrative reports, beginning with Vice President for Student Life Dr. Celestino Limas. Limas opened by

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    • News
    • November 16, 2018

    The Student Senate meeting Thursday, Nov. 8 ran differently than its usual weekly meetings; Senate instead held its semi-annual senior staff meeting. Senators hosted members of the senior staff, as well as a Board of Trustees member, to ask questions regarding Elizabethtown College. This year, the senior staff also brought along questions to ask the

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    • News
    • November 1, 2018

    Student Senate addressed mostly internal issues in its meeting Thursday, Oct. 25. As always, the meeting started off with student comments and announcements, but there were very few this time. The meeting then moved to administrative reports, starting with Vice President for Student Life Dr. Celestino Limas. Limas provided an update on the presidential search

  • SMART Recovery support meetings now held on campus

    SMART Recovery support meetings now held on campus

    • News
    • October 25, 2018

    Elizabethtown College now offers SMART Recovery meetings on campus. This program is a support group designed to help those who are suffering from addiction. These meetings are held twice a week. Wednesdays, they are held at 6 p.m. in the Mosaic House. These meetings are facilitated by Stephanie Diaz. Thursdays, they are held at 3

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    • News
    • October 25, 2018

    The Oct. 18 Student Senate meeting began with a special order about Resident Assistant and Community Fellow applications. Area Coordinator for Brinser Residence Hall, Featherton Apartments, Hackman Apartments and the Schreiber Quadrangle Dominick DiLorento spoke about the differences in positions. Community Fellow is a new position this year, developed from student feedback about upperclassmen living.

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    • News
    • October 18, 2018

    The Student Senate meeting Thursday, Oct. 11 began with a special order regarding the upcoming Leffler Lecture. Director of the High Library Sarah Penniman and Executive Assistant to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty Peggy Stauffer spoke to senators about the events surrounding the lecture and asked for input on

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    • News
    • October 11, 2018

    Student Senate’s meeting Thursday, Sept. 20 began with a special order: the Oath of Office for new senators. The student comments section followed the special order, raising questions, which other senators or faculty answered. Among these was the question of why only one level of American Sign Language is offered at Elizabethtown College. Vice President