• Etown engineering team wins regional IEEE Capstone Competition

    Etown engineering team wins regional IEEE Capstone Competition

    • News
    • September 10, 2021

    It was announced Aug. 30, 2021 that an Elizabethtown College senior capstone engineering team won the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Susquehanna Section Capstone Award at the first-ever competition that took place earlier this summer. The competition recognizes outstanding engineering capstone projects in colleges in the Susquehanna area. The team was composed of

  • Student Senate Column

    Student Senate Column

    • News
    • September 10, 2021

    Student Senate met for the first time this semester at 3:45 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 26. This was also their first time back in-person in Hoover 212 since the spring of 2020. This meeting was short, focusing just on administrative and executive cabinet reports, since there were no orders of business. This meeting was also available

  • Farewell from the News Editor

    Farewell from the News Editor

    It feels strange, writing this, knowing it is the last article I will write for the Etownian, knowing this is my last production night in Steinman. I’m not sure the reality has sunk in just yet, that this interval of my life is done, that by tomorrow I will no longer be the News Editor

  • Longer hours in Marketplace

    Longer hours in Marketplace

    Dining Services at Elizabethtown College piloted a program where they kept the Marketplace open until 8 p.m. every night instead of 7 p.m. the week of April 19. This change comes following the Spring 2021 Senior Leadership Senate meeting, where a student raised the topic of the Marketplace hours to the Senior Leadership Team, and

  • EdOrG hosts vitual walkathon for A-T

    EdOrG hosts vitual walkathon for A-T

    Elizabethtown College held a virtual “Walk it Out for A-T” event April 23 through 25 hosted by the Education Organization (EdOrg) benefiting the A-T Children’s Project. Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is a rare and fatal genetic disease that affects children, progressively debilitating their muscle control, causing cancer and developing immune complications. The walk was a call for

  • Derek Chauvin convicted of all charges

    Derek Chauvin convicted of all charges

    Throughout the third week of the Chauvin trial, Derek Chauvin invoked his Fifth Amendment rights and opted not to testify at the trial, a topic which his defense attorney noted that they debated throughout the course of the trial. Members of the jury heard over 40 witnesses, as well as experts who took the stand.

  • Senior staff reflects on time at the Etownian

    Senior staff reflects on time at the Etownian

    Writing this means I am accepting that my time at both Elizabethtown College and the Etownian are coming to an end (which is something I do not want to think about, in all honesty). I have been in the academic world for so long, I do not know who I am going to be once

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    Student Senate met Thursday, April 22 at 3:45 pm for the first meeting of their new term. The meeting was held both in-person in Gibble Auditorium and virtually over Zoom.  Since it marked the beginning of a new Senate term, the meeting began with the Oath of Office for all senators.  Senators then continued with

  • Global Perspective

    Global Perspective

    India is currently facing a COVID-19 crisis, with millions of reported cases and no end in sight. More than 20 million COVID cases have been reported as of Tuesday, May 4, including approximately 3.5 million people who are currently being treated. In the past week, the number of COVID cases in India had increased by