There’s no doubt that both apple cinnamon and pumpkin spice flavors are delicious, but which is the better fall flavoring? Pumpkin spice may be beloved and iconic, but apple cinnamon is classic and crisp. Pumpkin pies and apple pies are both delicious fall treats, but which will you take at the dessert table? When fall
READ MORELooking for a cute pair of earrings? Or a gift for a friend’s birthday? Knock Knock Boutique is just the place you need to be. From countless jewelry options to clothes to fun mugs and bags, the choices are endless! The first time I visited Knock Knock was during the Blue Jay Walk into town
READ MOREWelcome back, readers! This week, we’re taking a trip back in time for one of the most infamous local attractions: the Renaissance Faire. The fairgrounds are located at 2775 Lebanon Road, Manheim Pa., about a 20-minute drive from campus. It’s open weekends from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. beginning mid-August through the end of October.
READ MOREThis year, it may have rained on our parade, but the parade went on nonetheless! Held indoors on Oct. 14, several school clubs and organizations presented their floats over Homecoming weekend. Sock and Buskin, “Alice in Wonderland” Float Sock and Buskin is a theater club that happens to be the oldest club on campus. They
READ MOREElizabethtown College aims to make all its students enjoy their college experience no matter their background by providing disability resources for students and visitors who need assistance. Disability Services has a mission statement to “provide these groups support and to ensure that all individuals in need of assistance can obtain the services necessary to experience
READ MOREThe Center for Community and Civic Engagement (CCCE) has a vision of providing opportunities to engage in community service to students, faculty and staff. The Center does this in a number of ways by building long-term connections with local, national and international organizations. The foundation of all of the Center’s connections is a reciprocal relationship.
READ MOREThe general trend of larger corporations taking over their competitors, such as Disney acquiring Marvel and Lucas Films, has been a concern in all forms of digital and non-digital media. Mainly, because it raises the thought that the corporation could become a monopoly in their respective field and raise the prices as they wish and
READ MOREMany of us attending college are learning the ins and outs of financial responsibility for the first time. It can be a daunting process, especially if you’re far from home or have little experience with this kind of independence. At Elizabethtown College, students often work on-campus jobs from Dining Services, to tech ops to writing
READ MOREThe 2024 Election will undoubtedly lead to division, anxiety and frustration for millions of Americans. The 2024 Primary Election is already creating issues for Pennsylvania legislators up for election themselves. Typically, the Primary Election in Pa. has mattered very little in presidential election years. With its primary typically the last week in April, Pa. is