• Staying Social While Distancing

    As students who have decided to attend in-person classes continue to arrive at Elizabethtown College, it becomes increasingly difficult for many to continue to follow the rules of the pandemic, especially social distancing. There is a resurgence of the temptation of early days of the pandemic, to just shrug it off and hang out with

  • Welcome to the Jungle

    Welcome to the Jungle

    This is Meatball! He loves watching tv, helping with homework and eating food! His favorite color is Etown blue. Meatball had so much fun meeting all his new friends at trivia night! –Corrina Wright This is Cranberry Juice or CJ! He is the most spoiled fish I know and my roommate and I love him

  • Intramurals


    Over the summer, the heads of the Landmark Conference held a meeting to review their plans for collegiate sports in participating colleges and universities. During that meeting, it was decided that all school sports would either be cancelled or rescheduled until COVID-19 is under control. Elizabethtown College is complying with the Landmark Conference in postponing

  • NBA Strike

    NBA Strike

    Recently, the National Basketball Association (NBA) had to postpone some of its games due to strikes by the players. Since the shooting of NBA player Jacob Blake, there have been protests from the Milwaukee Bucks to promote police reform. Soon, the strikes spread from the Bucks to all around the NBA.    As of right

  • Overwatch League: Road to the Grand Finals

    Overwatch League: Road to the Grand Finals

    Friday, Sept. 11 to Sunday, Sept. 13, the 2020 Overwatch League (OWL) held the second and final week of its playoffs. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the schedule for this year’s OWL experienced quite a few delays and setbacks, but now the organization is on track to wrap up its season with the Grand Finals Weekend:

  • Changes to the Office of Diversity, Inclusivity and Title IX

    Changes to the Office of Diversity, Inclusivity and Title IX

    Elizabethtown College has been undergoing structural changes as a result of academic restructuring. Not only has this restructuring changed what majors and minors are available at the College, but it has impacted other aspects of the school as well. Last fall I had the opportunity to write a series of articles discussing how these changes

  • Student Clubs are Adjusting to COVID-19 Regulations

    Student Clubs are Adjusting to COVID-19 Regulations

    Students, faculty and staff on and off campus are busy this fall finding creative solutions for problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the important elements of campus life that has been affected is club activities. How do clubs continue to enrich student life, while accounting for COVID-19 precautions and off-campus students? Student Senate

  • Pennsylvania Politics

    Pennsylvania Politics

    • News
    • September 17, 2020

    Last week, a video went viral of State Representative Malcolm Kenyatta (D – PA181) delivering an impassioned speech against an amendment to HB 2626. The amendment, which Governor Wolf claims “makes it harder, not easier, for citizens to vote,” aims to ban the use of ballot drop boxes for mail-in ballots statewide. More controversially, it

  • Folklore Controversies

    Folklore Controversies

    • News
    • September 17, 2020

    On July 1, Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Dr. Levine issued an order that mandates masks be worn and on July 8, Folklore, a coffee shop in Elizabethtown, Pa., posted on social media platforms about its policy regarding masks, specifically that it would not require customers to wear them. From there onward, a controversy spiraled out