• Men’s basketball team runs 2020 Toys for Tots fundraiser

    Men’s basketball team runs 2020 Toys for Tots fundraiser

    As the holiday season begins, it would be normal to see festivities, family gatherings, and charitable events starting to begin; however, due to the 2020 circumstances, many of these experiences have sadly been canceled, creating a sense of wonder on how the holidays will look this year. Luckily, there are still ways for people to

  • Understanding Religion, Islam through a “calming” perspective

    Understanding Religion, Islam through a “calming” perspective

    Haroon Moghul has contributed essays to a half dozen major news outlets, written three books, served on the Advisory Committee on Cultural Engagement at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, and helped establish the Islamic Center at NYU. Impressive. But Moghul would say, “My bio makes me seem like I do a lot of

  • Senior thesis explores world history through familial letters, correspondence

    Senior thesis explores world history through familial letters, correspondence

    The senior thesis is the culmination of four years of work within a given discipline, giving students the opportunity to apply the skills they have learned in unique, personal ways. The thesis process will inevitably vary from student to student, but at its best it will embody a student’s passion and creativity. For senior Caitlin

  • Music faculty performance parallels whirlwind emotions during COVID-19 pandemic

    Music faculty performance parallels whirlwind emotions during COVID-19 pandemic

    This past Monday Nov. 16, the Leffler Chapel stage was once again graced by a captivating performance. Dr. Justin Badgerow and Dr. Anne Gross,  associate  professors of  music, performed both joint and separate performances as a part of the Music Department’s annual Monday Concert Series.  Gross opened with her vocal performance titled “Then and Now:

  • Today’s Technology

    Today’s Technology

    • News
    • November 19, 2020

    During the tumultuous summer of this year, law enforcement agencies were able to deftly use facial recognition software to make arrests in protests and robberies. One such case was of a protester in Indiana who was arrested when a picture of him resurfaced on Twitter and was then fed into a facial recognition system. This

  • Student Senate

    Student Senate

    • News
    • November 19, 2020

    Student Senate met for their weekly meeting Thursday, Nov. 12 over Zoom. This meeting was different, as it was their semesterly Senior Leadership Team (SLT) meeting. Sophomore class president Andrew Furman moderated the meeting, which included reports and questions divided into four sessions. The topics included COVID-19, increasing involvement and engagement on campus, residential renewal

  • Senior leadership team, Student Senate, meet

    Senior leadership team, Student Senate, meet

    • News
    • November 19, 2020

    President Cecilia McCormick and members of the senior leadership team were present at the weekly Student Senate meeting Thursday, Nov. 12 at 3:45 p.m. It was the first meeting with the senior leadership team since the COVID-19 pandemic.  The senior leadership team consists of Vice President for Finance and Strategy Jerry Silberman, Provost & Senior

  • Election post-mortem discussion, expectations and results

    Election post-mortem discussion, expectations and results

    • News
    • November 19, 2020

    Following the 2020 general election, the Campaign 2020 Post-Mortem was held via Zoom to discuss the 2020 election season and the upcoming transfer of power. Speakers included the Dean of the School of Public Service Dr. April Kelly-Woessner, Dr. E. Fletcher McClellan and Dr. Oya Dursun-Ozkanca.  The post-election event is a tradition at Elizabethtown College

  • How pros keep in shape during COVID-19

    How pros keep in shape during COVID-19

    Despite having to stay home to prevent the spread of COVID-19, pro athletes have found ways to keep in shape. For example: Dutch elite swimmer and Olympic gold medalist Sharon van Rouwendaal has resorted to swimming in a kiddie pool while tied to a tree so she can stay in one place. One of the