• Abby’s Advice: Course Scheduling

    Abby’s Advice: Course Scheduling

    For students who will be returning to Elizabethtown College next year, the time to plan for the Fall semester is now! While browsing the course catalog and thinking about all the opportunities available is exciting, this time of year can also be stressful. As our thoughts turn towards the future, considering what classes to take,

  • The Russia-Ukraine conflict: Is the end in sight?

    The Russia-Ukraine conflict: Is the end in sight?

    If you’ve looked in the news at any point recently, you’ve most likely seen information about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Starting on Feb. 24, this invasion has gone on for weeks now, coming up on a whole month. Russia’s decision to go through with the invasion was surprising, even for the people on the front lines.

  • Senior Erin Vago directs “Still Life with Iris”

    Senior Erin Vago directs “Still Life with Iris”

    Steven Deitz’ “Still Life with Iris” is a story about a little girl on a journey to find herself, her family and her friends, then returning home to the island of Nocturno.  Iris, played by senior Maeve Heine, is a 10-year-old girl living with her mother and friends on Nocturno, an island which makes all

  • Family Business and Entrepreneurship club hosts Power Lunch

    Family Business and Entrepreneurship club hosts Power Lunch

    On March 16, the Elizabethtown College Family Business and Entrepreneurship (FBE) club hosted a Power Lunch for JJ Rettura. Attendees received the opportunity to meet Rettura, ask questions and learn about him. President of the FBE club Keely Grim organized the event by submitting a biography from Rettura to Campus News. He also advertised it

  • Class project focuses on diversity in children’s books

    Class project focuses on diversity in children’s books

    This March, Elizabethtown College’s High Library had a “Celebrating Diversity and Belonging in Children’s Books” exhibit from Dr. Katherine Hughes’s COM 130 Visual Communications class. This exhibit has been held in the library since early March and ends on March 24. Each COM 130 student has made a project using and applying their photoshop skills,

  • Bowers Centers hosts events focused on nutrition

    Bowers Centers hosts events focused on nutrition

    On Friday, March 18, the Elizabethtown College Bowers Center for Sports, Fitness and Well-being demo kitchen was home to multiple different flavors and foods as students celebrated Nutrition Day. The event was run by the Student Wellness Advocacy Group (SWAG) and Assistant Director of Health Promotion Joni Eisenhauer.     The demonstrations started off with healthy smoothies.