f you strolled around campus this week, you most likely saw blue and white tags blowing in the breeze on lamp posts and stuck to the walls of offices, buildings and equipment. And like most faculty, staff and students, you were probably wondering what was the importance behind these tags. From April 22—26, the Office
READ MOREeautiful music filled Leffler Chapel and Performance Center on Sunday, April 21 when the moment finally came for the Elizabethtown College-Community Orchestra (ECCO) to show their musical skills, and their hard work and dedication throughout the spring semester. Founded during the 1971-1972 academic year, the ECCO is the primary wind, string and percussion ensemble at
READ MORE’m getting too old for this,” a man chuckled as he wheeled in what looked like a bass violin through the glass doors. A few students trailed along behind him as the doorway to Gibble Auditorium grew closer. Instruments were being tuned, laughs and conversations were shared. Then, Chair of the Music Division of Elizabethtown
READ MOREOn Tuesday, April 16, Kristi Syrdahl, director of international student services at Elizabethtown College, offered her presentation for her first Called to Lead event entitled “Leading Social Change Across Cultures” “It’s value based; it revolves around a core of service as a vehicle for social change,” said Syrdahl of her work with Fair Trade USA,
READ MOREhe Hindu American Religious institute welcomed 35 Etown students to their monthly Havan on April 14. The trip was led by professor of religious studies Dr. Jeffery Long as an experiential learning component of his Dharma Traditions and Indian Philosophy classes. Also known as a Vedic Fire Ceremony, the Havan included offerings to a Sacred
READ MOREpril 10 was just one of the many days the Give and Let Live SDLC campaigned for organ donation awareness, a project for which they have been researching and striving to recruit donors. “There are so many benefits to becoming an organ donor,” junior Alysia Overdorf, a member of the SDLC, said. A few days
READ MOREome people are born craving the spotlight. Since she was very young, Elizabethtown College alumna Deborah Whitcas ’98 exemplified this as she craved a job in entertainment. Now an Emmy-nominated television Producer with an impressive history involving a myriad of television stations including ABC, CBS Fox, Style/E and several more, Whitcas has made quite the
READ MOREave you ever felt stressed out about all the things you are experiencing in your life as a college student, but you do not know how to figure it all out? Toni Villella, director of student activities and campus recreation, recently facilitated a seminar on author Stephen Covey’s popular self-help book “The 7 Habits of
READ MOREre you pink or blue? This was the first question posed by senior and self-proclaimed feminist Sarah Steinmetz during her April 9 presentation on “Pitch like a Girl: How a Woman can be Herself and Still Succeed,” a book written by Ronna Lichtenberg. The overall theme of the book appeared to be not only that