Animal bones, cracked pieces of pottery and beaded jewelry are currently on display in the High Library alcove. Elizabethtown College students have been digging in Washington Boro, Pa. since 2006 looking for artifacts of the Susquehannock Indian tribe, who resided nearby from about 1600-1630. Students’ discoveries can provide insight to a unique group of people
READ MOREThis past May term, a group of students took Elizabethtown College’s “Educate for Service” motto and applied it to their lives by attending a trip to Vietnam. The trip explored both North and South Vietnam within a 19 day time frame, featuring four in-country flights, two overnight train rides and a lot of commuting via
READ MOREImagine traveling to Northern Ireland to research a way to end the violence between Protestants and Roman Catholics, or spending a summer in Southern Sudan to build a preschool. If these seem like humanitarian efforts for a seasoned social work graduate to tackle, you’d be wrong. They are projects any Elizabethtown College undergraduate can start
READ MOREhen someone raves about study abroad, students may believe the excitement stems from a destination not being “like home.” There are enormous differences from being at Etown while studying abroad, it’s also good to know that there are places on entirely different continents that feel reminiscent of home. One of my favorite places to get
READ MORECertain classes at Elizabethtown College are famous for real-world learning experiences in spirit of the College’s “Educate for Service” motto. In Dr. Kevin Shorner-Johnson’s World Musics class, this is certainly the case. “Many of us at Etown are working to design experiences that change us and that we remember for the rest of our lives,”
READ MOREn Monday, Sept. 23, the faculty of Elizabethtown College’s fine and performing arts department performed in Leffler Chapel and Performance Center. This was the second department concert of the year and offered faculty members in the department a chance to play one or two short pieces of music. The first performer of the evening was
READ MOREn Thursday, Sept. 19, Alan Houser visited the Bowers Writers House. His presentation, titled Professional Writing and Dynamic Communication, focused on technical writing as a profitable, in-demand profession. He also discussed the ways in which the flow of information changed with the advent of the printing press, and again with the advent of the World
READ MORE.W.E.E.T is a branch of the Office of Students Activities (OSA) that stands for “Students Working to Entertain E-town”, a group responsible for organizing fun, non-academic events to keep students entertained. Did you have fun at Bingo Night? Thank S.W.E.E.T. Did you like watching The Great Gatsby in the Dell? S.W.E.E.T. was behind that too.
READ MOREhe High Library, in collaboration with Elizabethtown College’s Departments of Women and Gender Studies and Education, presented the movie “Bully” to students in Gibble Auditorium on Tuesday night. The movie, which was produced in 2009 by Lee Hirsch, examines the bullying of several K-12 students whose lives were either severely damaged or tragically ended in