• Hiroshima bombing survivor Shigeko Sasamori spreads message of peace, empathy

    Hiroshima bombing survivor Shigeko Sasamori spreads message of peace, empathy

    Sasamori remembered seeing bodies in the streets, trapped under houses and several thrown into the river she was close to. “I could barely see the water,” she said. Those that could walk were “walking like ghosts,” disoriented and in shock from what had just happened. Some people trapped under collapsed buildings were crying for help,

  • ‘Peace, Love and China’ discusses Brethren missionaries

    ‘Peace, Love and China’ discusses Brethren missionaries

    Elizabethtown College students senior Bella D’Ascanio, junior Caitlyn Whirt and senior Cesar Vera presented their research on the Brethren missionaries in China at the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 7:30 p.m. The event, entitled “Peace, Love and China,” began during a week-long research trip to Chicago, Ill. The

  • Biology professor discusses genetic patterns in mitochondrial DNA

    In the world of science, genetics play a huge role in the way humans develop and evolve, even answering the question of human origin. Dr. Jonathan Coren associate professor of biology presented his lecture, titled “Where Do We Come From?: Tracing Genetic Heritage through Mitochondrial DNA” Tuesday evening, Nov. 12. His presentation was part of

  • Roy analyzes correlation between personality, music genre preference

    Roy analyzes correlation between personality, music genre preference

    Music is such a prevalent force in the lives of many people around the world. Various types and styles of music exist to appeal to a wide range of people. Musicians and non-musicians alike can enjoy music based off of their own interests. However, what does music preference say about you? In addition, are musicians

  • Group promotes intercultural dialogue through live concert

    On Sunday evening in Leffler Chapel and Performance Center, Intercultural Journeys hosted a concert filled with a variety of music from several cultural backgrounds. Intercultural Journeys was founded by Ohad Bar-David, an Israeli-born Philadelphia Orchestra cellist. Bar-David, along with Carole Hass Gravagno, a local activist and philanthropist, Sheldon Thompson, former Senior Vice President and Chief

  • Diversity film series’ ‘Powwow Highway’ showing explores racism, acceptance in America

    Powwow Highway,” a 1989 drama-comedy road trip movie, details the physical and spiritual journey of two Native American men of the Cheyenne tribe as they take a road trip to Santa Fe, N.M. It was shown at Elizabethtown College as part of the Diversity Film Series at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 11, in the

  • ‘Science Writing that Doesn’t Suck’: freelance writer shares

    ‘Science Writing that Doesn’t Suck’: freelance writer shares

    Chemistry sucked, frankly, so I became a writer,” Jason Bittel stated at his presentation “Science Writing that Doesn’t Suck” at the Bowers Writers House on Thursday, Nov. 13. Bittel currently writes for “Slate” magazine and “OnEarth” magazine. He earned a master’s in creative nonfiction from the University of Pittsburgh.  Bittel began his presentation by asking

  • McNabb presents art in form of woodworking at Bowers

    McNabb presents art in form of woodworking at Bowers

    On display at Bowers Writers House sits a part of James McNabb’s “City Series.” A whole shelf is home to a city skyline in miniature, a new life for scrap wood. McNabb, a wood crafter and artist, presented his artwork through slideshows and exhibits at Bowers at 8 p.m. on Nov. 5. McNabb recently obtained

  • Travels Abroad: Discovering Etown in Unexpected Places

    After carefully monitoring my money each week and spending multiple nights scrounging for remaining food in the fridge, I’ve noticed one thing about Elizabethtown College that I don’t have here in Cheltenham: cheap and easy food. Now, I realize this makes me sound like a lazy American, but sometimes, I find myself missing the Jay’s