• Travels Abroad: Discovering Etown in Unexpected Places

    Travels Abroad: Discovering Etown in Unexpected Places

    With an array of interesting clubs and groups to join, events to participate in and numerous trips to sign up for, it is not hard to list all of the fun opportunities we benefit from as Blue Jays. Aside from all of that, another important aspect of college life that many students partake in is

  • Female engineer shares experiences working in male-dominated field, encourages women to pursue scientific careers

    Female engineer shares experiences working in male-dominated field, encourages women to pursue scientific careers

    “Most of us make our own stories, and I have a story,” Selma Wunderlich stated to open her presentation “Glass Pipettes, Glass Ceilings: Women in the Sciences” on Wednesday, Feb. 26. Wunderlich began learning at a young age from her parents. “My mother began to teach me at two and a half,” Wunderlich said. Her

  • Jon Rudy speaks on change in peacemaking

    “If war were a tool to bring peace, wouldn’t we have it already?” Jonathan Rudy, peacemaker-in-residence, asked during his presentation “The Cutting Edge of Peacemaking” at Bowers Writers House on Tuesday, Feb. 18. Rudy started by establishing these four elements of peacemaking that he had discovered: subtle energy, mystery, the role of change and the

  • Local chiropractor gives advice for maintaining healthy lifestyle

    Local chiropractor gives advice for maintaining healthy lifestyle

    Mark Doody, a chiropractor in Elizabethtown, presented “How To Stay Young The First 100 Years” in Gibble Auditorium on Feb. 18.  Doody’s lecture, which discussed chiropractic care, was sponsored by Student Wellness as part of its Take Care Tuesdays series. Doody invited the audience to ask questions during his presentation, which was delivered to a

  • Kyle Kopko presents for Presidential Community Enrichment

    Kyle Kopko presents for Presidential Community Enrichment

    “Our debt is greater than all the goods and services the United States produces in a given year,” Dr. Kyle Kopko, assistant professor of political science and director of the pre-law program and legal studies, said at his presentation “Government Shutdowns and Polarizing Politics: Is this the New Normal in Washington?” on Tuesday, Feb. 18.

  • Campus Security Assistant Director comes from long line of Blue Jays

    Campus Security Assistant Director comes from long line of Blue Jays

    Who is Dale Boyer and what does he do?  This can be answered easily by stating that Boyer is the assistant director of campus security and, on a daily basis, he works to assist the director in the day-to-day operations of the office. This, however, is just one aspect of who Boyer is as a

  • Japanese storytelling performance explores eastern culture

    Japanese storytelling performance explores eastern culture

    As part of promoting and celebrating other cultures at Elizabethtown College, “Feeling Edo through Rakugo and Kamikiri” was organized by the Department of Modern Languages and Asian Studies program. The event, held on Saturday, Feb. 15, featured traditional Japanese rakugo performances by both students and professionals, as well as a segment for a professional kamikiri

  • Chinese New Year celebration sparks cultural awareness across campus

    Chinese New Year celebration sparks cultural awareness across campus

    Happy New Year: Xīnnián kuàilè! On Feb. 6, Blue Jays enjoyed an evening of celebration for the Chinese New Year in the Brossman Commons. The free event, which reined in crowds for a celebration of the “Year of the Horse,” included craft tables with Chinese decorative paper-cutting, calligraphy and a Gongfu tea ceremony. The Blue

  • Positive psychology creates additional possibility for excellence

    A “Discover Your Strengths” event, facilitated by Stacey Zimmerman, assistant director of Called to Lead, was held on Tuesday, Feb. 11. The event focused on a StrengthsQuest inventory students took before the event, which gave them their five top strengths.  The test contains 34 different talent themes, such as achievement and empathy. The psychology behind