• Student Wellness raises awareness of mental health concerns

    This week at Elizabethtown College, Student Wellness organized a mental health awareness week, titled MIND Your Health, which offered  a number of different events designed to help bring awareness to the importance of mental health. Mental health is important to keeping students happy and productive, but unlike other aspects of well-being, students may often forget

  • North explains workplace culture, responsibilities of business leaders

    North explains workplace culture, responsibilities of business leaders

    Roger North, president and founder of the North Group Consultants, spoke to business students on Friday, Sept. 12 as part of the M&M Mars Executive Lecture Series. His seminar, titled “Culture Eats Strategy for Lunch,” focused on the importance of culture in the workplace. The North Group is a leadership consulting firm which strives to

  • Called to Lead event considers legacies

    Called to Lead event considers legacies

    A session was conducted by Stacey Zimmerman, assistant director of Called to Lead, this past Friday, Sept. 12 to discuss how to live and lead with purpose. Called to Lead is a leadership development program consisting of more than 400 students. The overall mission of Called to Lead is to empower students, faculty and staff