• Director of one-man show explains Israeli-Palestinian conflict in his film

    Tuesday, Sept. 26, an audience with students from Elizabethtown College and members of the Elizabethtown community sat down for a screening of Director Aaron Davidman’s one-man show, “Wrestling Jerusalem.” Bowers Writers House Director Jesse Waters provided opening remarks, thanking sponsors such as the Bowers Writers House, Center for Global Understanding and Peacemaking and the High

  • Poet and novelist Javier Ávila kicks off Hispanic Heritage Month

    Internationally famous poet and novelist Dr. Javier Ávila spoke at Elizabethtown College at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 26. Ávila is also a professor at Northampton Community College in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. His show, titled “The Trouble With My Name” discussed his experience being a Latino living in Pennsylvania. The event was sponsored by Alyce and Mort

  • Professor reads novel to audience in High Library

    Write about what you know and let your imagination go with it,” Writing Fellow in the Writing Wing Richard Fellinger said during his reading in the High Library Monday, Sept. 25 at 7 p.m. Fellinger followed this advice in “Made to Break Your Heart,” his debut novel about fatherhood, marriage and Little League baseball. Fellinger

  • Book discussion on mental health

    Sept. 25 at 7 p.m., students and faculty joined author Tim Kreider for a discussion about his book “Refuse to Drown.” The event was titled “A Son’s Crime, A Father’s Unthinkable Choice and a Journey to Wholeness.” Kreider kicked off Mental Health Week by giving a PowerPoint presentation about his own struggles with depression, which

  • How Etown students can fill the Skills Gap by showcasing own skills

    Director of Career Development Jane Nini identifies a variety of skills gaps. One of the aspects of the skills gap focuses on the fact that college students are not career-ready and, in turn, have trouble getting jobs. On a national scale, Elizabethtown College has a better career development program than other institutions. There are many

  • Plastic eating fungus discovered: Nature’s solution to our mistakes

    Plastics. They are found in most everyday objects. Whether it be our phones, the water bottles that we drink from or the plates that we eat off in the Marketplace, it is a substance that we have taken advantage of and have widely used throughout the past 100 years. Though it has provided us with