Would you work for your school? Elizabethtown College graduate Megan Bell ’14 currently works as a study abroad advisor at the Etown Study Abroad Office. While at Etown, Bell majored in corporate communications with a minor in professional writing. She swam on the swim team all four years and was a captain her senior year.
READ MOREElizabethtown College hosted an event Tuesday, Nov. 14, sponsored by the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies about three different reform movements and leaders: Martin Luther, John Calvin and Swiss Anabaptists. Each speaker discussed the history and choices made by the reformists. The presentation allowed audience members to ask questions or make comments at
READ MOREMonday, Nov. 13, the High Library hosted the last installment of the World War I and America program for the fall 2017 semester. The lecture featured Dr. David Kenley, the Director of the Center for Global Understanding and Peacemaking and professor of history at Elizabethtown College. Dr. Kenley’s area of expertise is Asian studies, with
READ MOREMonday, Nov. 13, at 10 a.m., Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf greeted government officials and Elizabethtown College students and faculty at the College’s solar field to sign House Bill 118, which encourages Pennsylvanians to produce and use their own efficient energy sources. House Bill 118 was signed into law as Act 40 Monday, Oct. 30, according
READ MOREElizabethtown’s Tempest Theatre is hosting its first play of the year this upcoming week. “Medea” was originally written in 430 B.C. and has had multiple adaptations since. Etown’s theatre department is doing Liz Lochhead’s Scottish feminist version. “Medea” is a play that centers on the controversial roles of males and females and how revenge can
READ MOREHow do resident assistants (RAs), Area Coordinators and the Office of Residence Life as a whole help students at Elizabethtown College? For this academic year, the Office of Residence Life has launched a new learning curriculum called Live Etown. “We’re really pumped about [Live Etown],” Area Coordinator for Schlosser Residence Hall, Myer Residence Hall and
READ MOREMonday, Oct. 30, students gathered at the Bowers Writers House to hear a reading from speaker Jessica McCaughey. McCaughey is an assistant professor of academic and professional writing at George Washington University. She developed a writing program to aid organizations and their employees through workshops focused on proper technical and professional writing and editing. She
READ MOREMonday, Oct. 30, only a day before Halloween, was the day of the annual Trunk-or-Treat event in the parking lot of Elizabethtown College’s Leffler Chapel and Performance Center. The event was held to let children from the area have a fun, safe and easy way to go trick-or-treating. Student Senate has hosted the event around
READ MOREOct. 28, the Bowers Writers House hosted a lecture entitled “Book or Bust: Make it or Break it in the Publishing World.” The lecture featured Charles “Chuck” F. Adams, Executive Editor at Algonquin Books. Previously, Adams worked at other publishing firms, including Simon & Schuster, Dell/Delacorte, Macmillan, Holt, Rinehart and Winston. During his career, Adams