• Love and Information illustrates various elements of relationships

    Love and Information,” by Caryl Churchill, a play comprised of unrelated vignettes, currently being shown in the Elizabethtown College Tempest Theatre. This experimental play, first performed in Sept. 2012, intentionally includes very little detail pertaining to characters, background and stage direction. This gives directors and performers a lot of interpretive freedom. The Etown production, directed

  • Student researchers have opportunites explore interests, global issues

    Elizabethtown College provides many opportunities for students to learn outside of the classroom. One of these opportunities is student research, some of which is able to be published. Many students engage in student-faculty research as undergraduates. This allows them to advance in their fields of study as well as make new information more accessible to

  • College hosts film festival, explores other cultures through music

    The Global Film Festival is an annual event at Elizabethtown College sponsored by the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS), the High Library and Modern Languages department. Each year the festival has a different theme, and this year, the included films are inspired by music.

  • Historian speaks about role of Native Americans during Civil War

    Historian speaks about role of Native Americans during Civil War

    Wednesday, Nov. 28, the Center for Global Understanding and Peacemaking (CGUP), the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, the Dean of Curriculum and the Office of Diversity collaborated to sponsor “The Original Southerners: American Indians, the Civil War, and Confederate Memory,” a presentation by Dr. Malinda Maynor Lowery. This lecture was in honor of Native American

  • Digital Humanities Hub provides space, resources for student use

    Digital Humanities Hub provides space, resources for student use

    As society seems to be becoming more and more digital, colleges are creating more spaces for students to explore growing disciplines like Digital Humanities (DH) which applies computer software and equipment to the traditional humanities. “Digital Humanities (DH) encourages students to engage in many of the same types of projects the traditional humanities have been

  • Features Editor says goodbye

    Features Editor says goodbye

    As the last week of classes comes to a close, so does my time as Features Editor of the Etownian. I still can’t believe this is the last issue of the semester and my last issue ever. And what a wild end it has been. Remember the first few issues? They contained articles about microbial