• Slow response to snowfall proves troublesome for Jays

    Slow response to snowfall proves troublesome for Jays

    Pax came to town with a real sense of doom last week.  No, not Angelina Jolie’s son Pax, but winter storm Pax. It rolled through town, leaving an apocalyptic-looking winter wasteland in its wake.  And as much as I love snow days and cheer for the snow to keep on coming, I can’t help but

  • Openly-gay NFL prospect receives support

    Openly-gay NFL prospect receives support

    Tim Tebow made sports history when he bowed his head to pray after a touchdown. Jerry Sandusky went down in infamy when he was charged with molestation. Brad and Jenny Kremer brought light to sports charities, and their impact was felt around the world. Last week, Michael Sam shook the sports world by becoming the

  • Reviewer praises plot, presentation of theatre production ‘These Shining Lives’

    Reviewer praises plot, presentation of theatre production ‘These Shining Lives’

    “Not a fairy tale, though it starts like one. It’s not a tragedy, though it ends like one,” Catherine Donohue, portrayed by senior Katie Owens, said at the start of “These Shining Lives.” Starting Valentine’s Day, the Elizabethtown College theater program began its performances of “These Shining Lives.”  Performances are being held in the Tempest