• Jays share opinions on Russia conflict: Opinion 2

    Jays share opinions on Russia conflict: Opinion 2

    Currently, the Republic of Crimea is once again under Russian control and will become a full member of the Russian Federation before the end of the month. This occurrence is unsurprising for these two major reasons: 1) Since the Greek Empire, Crimea has been conquered by someone. 2) A majority of the Crimean citizenry is

  • Jays share opinions on Russia conflict: Opinion 1

    Jays share opinions on Russia conflict: Opinion 1

    The situation in Ukraine has a historical element dating back to its independence from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1991. The Ukrainian crisis began with popular unrest over the Pro-Russian, Ukrainian president’s decision to cancel a free trade agreement with the European Union. Years of government corruption curtailed Ukraine’s advancement towards a market

  • Credit transfer process generates confusion among Blue Jays

    Credit transfer process generates confusion among Blue Jays

    After having taken four years of high school honors, dual enrollment and AP classes, I expected to come to Elizabethtown College with sophomore standing. I was prepared to move directly into my major and skip several requirements for the Core program. Unfortunately, I learned that my dual enrollment course would not be counted and only

  • Busy weekends amuse Jays

    Busy weekends amuse Jays

    With a quick look at the Office of Student Activities’ (OSA) calendar, one can see that the weekends after spring break are filled with activities.  Each weekend, there are plenty of college-sponsored events for students to attend and participate in, but one weekend that seems a bit more packed than others is this weekend. With

  • Out-of-class field trip requirements cause financial strain

    Out-of-class field trip requirements cause financial strain

    The value of out-of-class experiences is hardly debatable. Seeing the information that I had read about in a textbook come to life on a field trip helped to reiterate the lesson and cement it in my memory. Reading about the Amish in a textbook and eating lunch with an Amish family left two very different

  • Mr. Etown involves infinitely more work than audience can see

    Mr. Etown involves infinitely more work than audience can see

    By the time this article comes to print, Mr. Etown will be a mere day away. The most widely-attended performance in Leffler Chapel and Performance Center, Mr. Etown never fails to get all of Musser Auditorium roaring with laughter. The annual Office of Student Activities event, while hugely enjoyable to watch, may be somewhat of