• Fashion Column

    October is here, bringing with it the crisp cold weather and Homecoming. Many of the events will be held outside in the fresh fall air. Even though weather channels have been predicting a warm and rainy weekend, it’s best to prepare for the worst. All of those attending should layer-up in their bluest Elizabethtown College

  • Student offers tips for staying healthy when friends, roommates are sick

    Coughs, sneezes, sore throats and runny noses — all of these things probably have happened to you or are going to happen to you in the near future. It’s inevitable; it’s that time of year again when we all seem to be getting sick.     The worst part of it is that you probably don’t

  • Homer questions appropriateness of lazy rivers at institutions of learning

    Homer has recently been getting a lot of emails like this: “Increase Your Inbox And Received New Massage.” This was all very tempting — who doesn’t want a larger inbox or “received” a new massage? Email inboxes tend to get full, after all, and classes can be physically demanding, and Homer had long thought that