A class syllabus is an extremely beneficial and critical document. Most syllabi consist of the schedule, homework assignments and other class-related sections. On the top of every syllabus, the professor adds his or her office hours. Office hours are times outside of class where students can find professors in their offices to ask for help,
READ MOREWe’re not big on etiquette in this country. The word itself brings connotations of ladies’ manners schools or Downton Abbey-type stuffiness. Use the correct fork. Embroidered hankies. The whole bit. That’s not us. America is a take-care-of-yourself, free-to-do-what-you-want sort of nation. While I tremendously enjoy that in almost every facet of life, it does not
READ MOREElizabethtown College offers a large variety of different courses and programs. Some are specific to liberal arts while others focus more on the sciences and mathematics. These classes and programs can consume student’s time, as the struggle to stay on top of class work is always present. However, there is another factor to the college
READ MOREThe Lokai bracelet has recently been trending on our campus. What many students who do not own the bracelet may not know is that it has a special meaning behind it and isn’t just worn to add some spice to an outfit. The Lokai bracelet is infused with elements from the highest and lowest points
READ MOREElizabethtown College can seem like its own little world. We live inside a bubble consisting of homework, tests, projects, internships, jobs and quickly-approaching futures. Sometimes, it can be hard to remember there is an entire world outside with its own important issues and concerns, including politics. Students have plenty of opportunities, here at Etown to
READ MORECenturies ago, it was believed that on All Hallows’ Eve, spirits who had crossed over into the land of the dead could walk the Earth again. As a historically spooky evening, participants everywhere take their costumes up a notch each year. With new events and hits in entertainment and the media, costumes can reflect relevant
READ MOREWho’s ready for ghosts, goblins and the Great Pumpkin? I know I am! After a stressful few weeks jammed with midterm exams, papers and studying, I think we all deserve a chance to celebrate a bit, and what better way to do that than with a little fall fun? For any new students experiencing their
READ MOREA visitor to the college is struck by the charming buildings, the sylvan campus, the sight of students striding purposefully at 7:55 a.m. to their macroeconomics class in Hoover. But above all, she is impressed by how quiet the place is. Indeed, she might think, is there a more suitable environment for cogitation, reflection and
READ MOREHomecoming weekend has passed in a blur again. With a weekend packed full of activities for students, the Homecoming parade and market on Saturday, there was excitement all around. I am sure there was a common theme that everyone noticed while strolling around the fair: T-shirts. It seems like almost every club was selling T-shirts