Years ago, it seemed to me that dark, black clothing meant a dark personality. To wear black every day was to express to the world that you had a dark soul and a disdain for color. It was gothic and emo. It embodied a rebellious nature, against brightly colored wardrobes and normalcy. But over the

  • Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) causes depression in campus community during fall, winter months

    Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) causes depression in campus community during fall, winter months

    For people like me, the coming of spring means more than just melting snow and warmer, longer days. I, like many, have seasonal depression. Getting through the winter seems impossible to me. As the weather changes and cools, my mood takes a nose dive. Often, I struggle just to get out of bed in the

  • Etownian staff member shares study abroad experience

    One month ago, I stepped off the plane in a foreign country where I didn’t know the language, the lifestyle or how much to tip a cab driver. (Just a hint: in Morocco, they don’t get tips.) After trying to talk through a language barrier, ending up at the wrong hotel and overpaying both the

  • Fender benders pose problems with parking

    You are almost to your car when you spot it; the chipped paint, the long scratch, and the worst part: the dent. Whether you are a student, faculty member, or visitor at Elizabethtown College, if you keep a car on campus, there is always the possibility of a fender bender. As a student who keeps

  • Scones, tuition prices contemplated

    Scones, tuition prices contemplated

    The proprietor of the Blue Bean Café was grappling with a problem. Scones, especially those bereft of icing, were not moving rapidly. Or not moving at all, inquired Homer sympathetically? That indeed was the case. There were times, noted the vexed proprietor, when the scones sat inside the case, hour after hour, as customers streamed

  • Hershey’s Giant Center set to host NCAA Championships

    Hershey’s Giant Center set to host NCAA Championships

    In earlier December, 2013, the Giant Center in Hershey, Pa. found out it was chosen as one of four sites that were being considered as finalists to host the Division III Wrestling Championships between the years 2015 and 2018. On December 11 of that year, the Giant Center and Elizabethtown College were notified that they