• Competitive natures cause tension in intramural sports

    Competitive natures cause tension in intramural sports

    Students who play intramurals have different views on how the sports should be played. Some say that intramurals should be less competitive, while others think they should be more competitive. When students sign up for intramurals, they expect that the sport they play is either competitive or relaxed. “I was expecting it to be not

  • Closing of Sweet Briar College alarms, brings liberal arts into question

    Almost a century ago, in 1921, Albert Einstein emphasized to Thomas Edison what the majority of our country today seems to have forgotten: “The value of an education in a liberal arts college is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think something that cannot be learned from textbooks.”


    Years ago, it seemed to me that dark, black clothing meant a dark personality. To wear black every day was to express to the world that you had a dark soul and a disdain for color. It was gothic and emo. It embodied a rebellious nature, against brightly colored wardrobes and normalcy. But over the