• Letter to the Editor: Response to Literature concentration

    Thanksgiving 1999. I can remember the look on my grandfather’s face. “English?” he asked. “Are you sure? The thing about teaching English is that you get everybody.” Grandpa was a math teacher, and his position at his rural high school allowed him the opportunity to teach advanced courses to juniors and seniors. His colleagues down

  • Hiring alumni shows college pride, positive student effect

    Hiring alumni shows college pride, positive student effect

    I recently set out on a mission to understand Elizabethtown College community members’ opinions on whether alumni benefit or hurt the community at Etown. What are the advantages and what are the drawbacks? Executive Director of College Engagement Opportunities Mark Clapper, an Etown alum himself, shares his thoughts on the matter. “It’s wonderful to have

  • Tips and tricks for students to dress for professional setting

    Finding the perfect outfit for class can be hard, and finding the most appropriate outfit for a more formal setting can be even harder. Luckily, both Career Services and professors are available to help students figure out what to wear and even how to present themselves when they are faced with daunting job interviews or