Warning: This is not a review of the Theater Department’s recent production of “Spring Awakening.” First, I have friends in the show, and it would feel weird to critique them, and secondly, I’m extremely biased. When I was 13, my best friend at the time told me about a musical in which actors jumped about
READ MORERacist slurs. Sexist attacks. Hateful rhetoric. What do these things have in common? They can all be found at a Donald Trump rally. It frankly doesn’t matter who you support, whether you lean left or right, whether you like Trump or not—if you have a moderate bone in your body, you can agree that the
READ MORENumerous colleges and universities across the country closed on Election Day this past Tuesday. Elizabethtown College was not one of them. Instead, as voters rushed to the polls, the students of Etown followed the schedule of a regular school day. Should the College have taken the day off to help its students fulfill their civic
READ MOREIn today’s reboot-filled entertainment world, it is surprising that one legendary show has not received a “dark and gritty” reboot: “The Twilight Zone.” With its individual stories and recognizable brand name, it would be a sure-fire hit with audiences. Maybe it has not happened yet because CBS does not want to tarnish its former legacy,
READ MOREWith creepy clowns popping up all over the world in the last few months, at least 40 states in the US have been affected in one way or another. Public schools are receiving threats left and right from supposed clowns. Police stations across the US and abroad are overwhelmed by reports of sinister clown sightings.
READ MOREThe life of a Dean is, quite possibly, replete with glamor, excitement and the unvarnished joy of working in a hallowed office in Alpha Hall. She might even—gasp!—have Windows 10 installed on her machine days before the hoi polloi in Hoover get their dirty hands on it. But, surely, thought Homer, as he absently munched
READ MOREFor at least a decade, Elizabethtown College has been a wet campus in a rural setting. When applying for colleges, the idea of attending a wet versus a dry campus was mixed into my consideration. I wanted to go to a safe institution, one with a good but restrictive policy for those who dabble outside
READ MORESome genres of the musical variety age like a California Pinot Noir or a French Brie. Punk rock, on the other hand, creeps forward in age to the beat of an old cream. Most of the great punk legends to riot not so quietly were either dead before they could develop their musicianship or, in
READ MOREElizabethtown College prides itself on being a residential campus, where a majority of students choose not to go home on the weekends. Most students will agree that residential life at Etown is comfortable due to the tight-knit community and the variety of cozy on-campus hotspots, including the Blue Bean and the Jay’s Nest. Hanging out