• Music Review: Dream Wife delivers promising punk songs

    Music Review: Dream Wife delivers promising punk songs

    One of the most powerful forces of nature is the all-girl rock group. When a new one pops up, you know they have a lot to say. The punk-inspired group Dream Wife just released their debut album of the same title Jan. 26, 2018. The trio, with roots in London, is inspired by artists like

  • Jacob Tremblay and Company are a “Wonder” to Behold

    One feels that talking non-stop is the answer to getting away from the elephant in the room. One puts on a friendly façade that masks an ill-informed but nevertheless cruel nature. One is clearly a good egg at heart, but out of uncertainty and ever-present peer pressure, hesitates to demonstrate that ideal. All plausible. All

  • Vinnie and Pat’s features tasty “hot-dogs” and “not-dogs”

    Vinnie and Pat’s features tasty “hot-dogs” and “not-dogs”

    Photo: Rachel Rhoads Spring has finally sprung. Well, maybe not quite yet. However, no need to worry! There is plenty to enjoy at Vinnie and Pat’s Dog House without the warmer weather. Whether you are a hotdog lover at heart or not really a fan, the restaurant offers something for everyone to enjoy. The welcoming

  • Music review: Wild Child

    Music review: Wild Child

    Someday – if the weather ever warms up – what will you listen to while you lay out in the sun? I have a suggestion, the 2018 album by Wild Child, “Expectations.” The band that gave us “Crazy Bird” has produced an especially relaxing, thoughtful and nostalgic album. Its simplicity is outweighed only by its

  • The Weekly Chirp: Students, faculty weigh in on the impact of K-12 teacher strikes in 12 states across the U.S.

    The Weekly Chirp: Students, faculty weigh in on the impact of K-12 teacher strikes in 12 states across the U.S.

    Public school teachers in Oklahoma, West Virginia, and Arizona have been striking for higher wages and increased funding to schools. Protesting began in West Virginia with elementary school teachers in Fayette County, who left class to protest cuts to their benefits and pay. Schools across the state began to shut down as middle and high

  • Review: Lady Bird a beautiful, relatable debut

    Review: Lady Bird a beautiful, relatable debut

    I had just dyed the ends of my hair pink when “Lady Bird” burst onto the scene. That’s not of much importance, I just thought it was ironic. I was a little worried everyone was thinking I was being a basic indie try-hard, trying to associate myself with the newest comedy-drama. Now having seen “Lady