• The Weekly Chirp: Students, faculty weigh in: Does political content on social media create division?

    Facebook, Google and Twitter are under federal investigation for allowing Russian propaganda to spread on their sites during the 2016 election. The three social media sites will have to answer questions about how they are combatting propaganda or how they are letting it slip through the cracks. The investigation will raise questions about how much

  • Thor: Ragnarok just “passable”

    I am a human. I have likes and dislikes. Yet every time I bring up my opinion of superhero movies (which is that “I don’t care”), I feel like a social outcast. Trust me, I want to understand the superhero genre…there’s just yet to be a superhero film that I’ve seen that will get me

  • Music Review: “saintmotelevision”

    Saint Motel, with Top-40 hit “My Type,” came out with their latest album “saintmotelivision” (stylized lowercase) Oct. 21, 2016. Members of the band include A/J Jackson, Aaron Sharp, Dak Lerdamornpong and Greg Erwin. The band is generally difficult to categorize. Saint Motel is indie, or pop, or rock, but most importantly, ridiculously fun. The video

  • Learn to get more meaning out of eating

    How many times have you purchased takeout food, skipped a meal or eaten on the run in the past month? Can you remember specifically what you ate for breakfast, lunch or dinner yesterday? When was the last time you focused on the food in front of you, noticing the colors, subtle textures and aromas? How

  • The Weekly Chirp: Students, faculty weigh in: Is stronger gun control necessary?

    This year, there have been 273 mass shootings across the United States, with the most devastating and most recent one occurring Oct. 1, in Las Vegas. This tragic event has brought about a reinvigorated discussion on gun control. While the White House has not come out and addressed what they plan to do about gun

  • Review: Equality reigns in “Battle of the Sexes”

    Imagine leaving the stability and security of steady employment to take a giant risk on a new job venture which speaks to your true ideals; its success and financial compensation, however, is completely up in the air. Imagine experiencing new feelings and emotions which seem confusing and unnatural, but also awaken a new part of