• The Weekly Treat: A Snack Review

    The Weekly Treat: A Snack Review

    Hello, my adoring Crumb Crew, and welcome to a new round of 2 a.m. Snack Time! This time, we’re expanding our look on snacks throughout the week and listing everything about them. From their flavor and texture to their clean-up and nutritional value, we got it! I’ll also make an end of the week post

  • Students of Etown: Jacob Schel

    Students of Etown: Jacob Schel

    Despite Elizabethtown College being a small school compared to most of the colleges in the area, it is nearly impossible to know all of the students on campus. Each one of them has their own unique story on how they came to attend Etown, and it is important to know that their story is important.

  • 2/1/22 Horoscopes: Vibes for the Spring Semester

    2/1/22 Horoscopes: Vibes for the Spring Semester

    Aquarius: It may be the season for some soul searching from Aquarians this spring. Tapping into the deep, dark parts of yourself may seem scary, but you could find the journey within has healing properties. Vibes: A well, inky black, the number 13, knowledge and bricks. Pisces: This spring is definitely the time to discover

  • An A-moo-sing Birthday

    An A-moo-sing Birthday

    On Friday Jan. 29, Elizabethtown College’s own Mad Cow Improv group held their first show of the semester. In the Gibble auditorium, dozens of students gathered (wearing their masks for COVID-19 safety) and watched the cows perform. They played games like their classic halftime show, the tale of Blockbuster going out of business, a doctor

  • The Restless Mind of a College Student

    The Restless Mind of a College Student

    I feel exhausted but I still have three more assignments to go. Have I eaten today? The more I must read the less concentrated I become. What day is it today again? At least I still passed. Making friends in college is easy it’s just now I have no time. I really let myself believe

  • The Origins of Truman, Etown’s unofficial mascot

    The Origins of Truman, Etown’s unofficial mascot

    Everyone knows that Conrad the Blue Jay is the official mascot of Elizabethtown College, but perhaps, the unofficial one is Truman the Therapy Doodle. He has become a staple on the campus with his visits and own official merchandise. During the 2021 Homecoming Parade, Truman was the last in the line of floats because of