• Current generation isn’t unprepared, but rather, pampered

    Current generation isn’t unprepared, but rather, pampered

    Growing up and getting older is a part of life that is inevitable. Each day is filled with new lessons and experiences that one can learn from. The young adults of today will be the leaders of tomorrow. However, just because one may be “grownup,” does not mean that they are ready to face the

  • LGBT issues shouldn’t have to be addressed in housing surveys

    LGBT issues shouldn’t have to be addressed in housing surveys

    Many high school students are apprehensive about going to college. One of the most common concerns is who their roommate is going to be. The concept of being stuck in a small dorm room and forced to share your space with a virtual stranger for the next eight months may seem daunting. Aside from the

  • Professor rating website provides incomplete, inaccurate reviews

    RateMyProfessors.com is a large online destination for rating professors from colleges and universities across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. This student-generated site allows students to go online and post comments and ratings regarding a professor. Professors are rated on how easy, helpful and clear their teaching methods are, and the student’s interest

  • For your consideration

    For your consideration

    In light of the recent event held on campus, this week’s FYC will focus on Relay for Life. Relay for Life is an event promoted by the American Cancer Society. It generally goes for about 12 hours over the course of a night and focuses on honoring cancer survivors, remembering those who have lost their

  • All campus buildings should be handicap-accessible

    All campus buildings should be handicap-accessible

    Elizabethtown College does not have many physically handicapped students. This is because of the lack of handicap accessible buildings and the unfriendly handicap environment that is offered to them. The discriminatory campus is not allowing the chance for these students to want to go here, especially for disabled students touring the campus. There are numerous

  • Peace Non-violence & Understanding

    Peace Non-violence & Understanding

    A community is only as good as the standard of human rights it creates for each of its citizens. When the personhood of individuals is challenged by acts of flagrant hatred, they test the integrity of that standard. How we react to that test and how we defend those who have been targeted determines the

  • Spirit of altruism in Hoover

    Homer was getting ready for his mathematical economics class. Partial derivatives would have to be found, equations solved, graphs drawn. Firms would be neck deep in profit maximization, while consumers gamely strove to maximize utility. The language of calculus would be put to good use. There was no time to waste, thought Homer, as he

  • Why humor, not beauty, wins ‘Mr. Etown’

    The purpose of a pageant is to reach a state that promotes self-esteem and public-speaking abilities of the contestants. Winners of pageants are said to feel a sense of accomplishment. Pageants can be affiliated with community or social organizations in order to raise money for charities. Some of the better known pageants are ones such

  • PUT YOUR RECORDS ON: Santigold

    PUT YOUR RECORDS ON: Santigold

    Some of the best undiscovered music is played during car commercials. Time and time again I find myself Googling the car commercial in question to try to find out the artist and the name of the song that’s still reverberating in my head. I was pleased to find out that the artist featured in the