• Recipe Review: Homemade Breakfast Bars

    Recipe Review: Homemade Breakfast Bars

    Welcome back to campus for the new academic year, Jays! As the semester is starting to kick into high gear, you’ll need a tasty breakfast to fuel your day. There isn’t always time in the morning for a full meal at the Marketplace, so here’s a recipe for homemade breakfast bars to keep on hand

  • Activity Review: Goat yoga

    Activity Review: Goat yoga

    Elizabethtown College values and prioritizes physical and mental health for all its students, providing upbeat exercise classes at the Bowers Center, access to counseling and a source of good coffee at our beloved Blue Bean. Yoga is well known for allowing meditation and relaxation of the mind, body and soul. Despite this, there is one

  • Etownian Farewell: Editor-in-Chief Chandler McGuire

    Etownian Farewell: Editor-in-Chief Chandler McGuire

    In August of 2021, my second year at Elizabethtown College, I was broke and desperate for a job. My job at home paid only a quarter of minimum wage, and that was not going to cut it with my coffee addiction. I had a two-week stint in Dining Services where I worked at The Grill,

  • Job Spotlight: Student Library Assistant and Archives Assistant

    Job Spotlight: Student Library Assistant and Archives Assistant

    Elizabethtown College’s High Library offers a multitude of services for students, faculty and community members. In addition to the extended catalog of books available both in print for checkout and online as e-books through the High Library’s website and databases, other materials like laptops and laptop chargers, games, movies, CDs and music scores are also

  • Media Review: The Witness

    Media Review: The Witness

    Released by Thekla, Inc. in 2016, “The Witness” is a first-person single player video game with admittedly very little context for its content. It’s currently available for PC download on Steam for about $40. You begin your journey through the game playing a nameless and faceless character. You encounter a series of panels, each containing

  • I bought slime off an Instagram shop… Here’s what happened

    I bought slime off an Instagram shop… Here’s what happened

    We’ve all seen slime videos at this point, right? I know I’ve spent more time than I’m willing to admit on Instagram’s many slime accounts. But is this stuff as fun and satisfying as it looks— or is it all an elaborate editing trick? I decided that I couldn’t wait any longer to find out.