For the past three and a half years, there’s one surefire conversation that’s bound to happen the same way: at a family gathering, be it a party or holiday, surrounded by people I see once a year, one time too many, after the obligatory “it’s so nice to see you” nonsense, the question forms on
READ MOREMany of Elizabethtown College’s first-year students find the transition from high school to college challenging. One of the most stressful aspects is the workload, particularly the requirements for the first-year seminars. All first-year students should realize that in-class requirements account for three credit hours of the first-year seminar, but out-of-class requirements account for the fourth
READ MOREMy favorite comedian, Bill Hicks, had a bit that went a little something like this: he’s on tour in the great American South sitting in a diner, drinking coffee and reading a book. The waitress, a middle-aged woman chewing gum and fighting through her drawl asks him, “Whatchu readin’ for?” Not what are you reading,
READ MOREWe’ve all been there before. You’re unpacking all of your belongings on move-in day, and something seems amiss. Towels? Check. Folders? Check. Your brand new guitar that you wanted to show off at the next Soul Café? Check. You think of all the important things you might have forgotten — things that you absolutely need
READ MOREWelcome back Jays to another fabulous installment of Put Your Records On. For new readers, I usually talk about the music I love and think you might like: why would I waste your time with anything substandard? Today, however, we will be taking a different focus as I ask you to think critically about the
READ MORECheers to all the peer mentors who resolutely sprinted and squealed with enthusiasm during the First-Year Walk. You can hold me responsible for any intense suffering in the heat that day, and I especially apologize to my fellow first-years for bringing beach-necessary weather to a place devoid of beaches; driving to Pennsylvania from Florida, I
READ MOREOne of the most important lessons that all of us have to learn in life is how to get out of our own self-centeredness and realize that we are members of a larger community, one that depends on respect for other people and people taking responsibility for their own actions. We must treat others as
READ MOREIf you are one of those students who did not get the oh-so-wonderful opportunity to spend your entire summer interning and will have a lot of free time on your hands this summer, then this article is for you. So what fun things are there to do this summer? Well I am guessing that most
READ MOREIn times of crisis, people usually put aside their differences to try to work together for the common good. This was demonstrated after many major tragedies: 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and most recently the Boston Marathon bombings. As the magnitude of this horror became more apparent, people in Boston and throughout the nation came together to