• Parody Twitter accounts generate debate

    Parody Twitter accounts generate debate

    Almost all of us are on social media these days. Whether it is Facebook, Instagram, Vine or Tumblr, you have probably have used all of these sites at one time or another. Twitter seems to be the most popular social media website for college students, ever since our relatives decided to get Facebook accounts and

  • Traditional means of testing students doesn’t account for all kinds of intelligence

    Traditional means of testing students doesn’t account for all kinds of intelligence

    ll this time, have we been evaluating intelligence the wrong way? Middle school and high school were all about being taught to the test. The advent of standardized testing ensured that students were no longer learning for the sake of learning, but learning to make their school look good in comparison to others so they’d

  • Letter to the editor argues laptops unnecessary in class

    After reading last week’s article, “Laptops, tablets acceptable note-taking resources in class,” I decided the alternate viewpoint needed to be discussed. By college, one can make decisions for him or herself; hopefully, these will be good decisions. Taking one’s laptop to class is a decision that students make everyday, but rarely think about. Are there

  • Wearing Blue Jay-themed shirts demonstrates school pride

    Wearing Blue Jay-themed shirts demonstrates school pride

    hen your clothes start spilling out over the top of your laundry basket, you know what time it is: laundry time. I procrastinate on doing my laundry so often that I’m regularly forced to examine the shirts that I wouldn’t typically wear. I dig through my dresser to find some articles of clothing suitable for

  • DeNiro leads star cast in ‘The Family’

    DeNiro leads star cast in ‘The Family’

    obsters have a way of dealing with problems the dirty, family way. They can’t help that it’s in their nature to do so with explosives, baseball bats or dragging someone behind a car. Mix that with dark comedy and family psychodynamics, and it becomes an intriguing mixture with memorable moments, known as  “The Family.” The

  • Average isn’t enough

    Average isn’t enough

    Until my first year of college, I’d never heard the phrase “Cs get degrees.” Maybe I lived a sheltered life, but the first-year, doe-eyed me responded with a giggled “What? Why, that’s silly! You’re quite comical, fellow classmate.” My mood quickly deteriorated when I was reassured that yes, that phrase is describing a common mindset