• T.G.I.S. ’13: ‘Saints vs. Sinners’

    T.G.I.S. ’13: ‘Saints vs. Sinners’

    hank Goodness It’s Spring was a complete success this year. The warm weather, along with the amazing fair food and fun games made this T.G.I.S. better than the previous year, in which many events were cancelled due to the poor weather. Brinser Field was filled on Saturday afternoon with a blow-up obstacle course, a zip

  • Jay bucks hoarder: a rare species studied

    Jay bucks hoarder: a rare species studied

    During my three years at Elizabethtown College, I’ve encountered a variety of peculiar types of people. I’ve met the shy poopers, who barely do their business anywhere but the anonymity of the BSC bathrooms. I’ve chanced upon big fishes, who are so used to being a big deal in their tiny hometowns that they still

  • Disgruntled junior mourns the loss of College’s favorite event

    Disgruntled junior mourns the loss of College’s favorite event

    et’s all take a moment of silence to mourn the loss of one of the most important aspects of Elizabethtown College’s campus culture. I don’t even need to say it; you all know what I’m talking about. KĀV dances have been cancelled, never to be heard of again. I don’t know if it’s forever, or

  • ‘42:’ a must-see film about

    ‘42:’ a must-see film about

    any people think of flowers and warmer days when they think of spring. But, for some people, it’s the thought of cleats sliding into home plate, the thud of a bat hitting a ball, the smack of a closing glove and the thrill of cheering for their favorite team. Yes, for some, spring means the

  • WWEC 88.3, the Sound of Elizabethtown, underappreciated

    WWEC 88.3, the Sound of Elizabethtown, underappreciated

    ou may or may not realize it, but Elizabethtown College has its own radio station, “WWEC 88.3. The Sound of Elizabethtown.” Students have radio shows throughout the week in which they can play different kinds of music, and talk about a variety of topics. It’s a pretty cool privilege that students at Etown can have

  • Denim Day, Take Back the Night raise awareness about sexual violence

    Denim Day, Take Back the Night raise awareness about sexual violence

    ccording to the latest figures, about half of all rapes that occur are not reported and about one in four women are sexually assaulted in their lifetime. While male victims may seem less common, they are less likely to report their victimization due to the stigmatization by society. In response to these staggering numbers, women

  • First-year speculates on possible candidates in ‘16 election

    s college students, we have a lot riding on the 2016 presidential election. Many of the potential candidates have made drastic cuts to education within their own states, or have said they plan to if elected to higher office. Yes, I know what you are thinking: The 2016 presidential election is a long way off

  • ‘Putnam’ receives rave reviews, proves entertaining, successful

    ‘Putnam’ receives rave reviews, proves entertaining, successful

    he Elizabethtown College theatre program successfully presented its spring musical, “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.”  It was performed in Tempest Theatre throughout the weekend of April 11, 12 and 13th. If words alone cannot express to someone how wonderful this musical is, the awards it has won will. “ The 25th Annual Putnam

  • Why merit scholarships should increase

    Why merit scholarships should increase

    t is no secret that college is an expensive experience. All of the financial data from the last 20 years proves that tuition is rising at an alarming rate. It can be easy to dissociate ourselves from the fact that these numbers directly impact our lives and the lives of our peers. However, comprehending the