• Do viewers or media perpetuate fandoms?

    Do viewers or media perpetuate fandoms?

    Our culture is packed to the brim with various “fandoms” or obsessions with various forms of media. These fandoms seem to have gained prevalence within the last few years. As an obsessive fan of “Game of Thrones,” “Breaking Bad,” “The Walking Dead” and “House of Cards,” among others, I find great joy in following the

  • Professors should not be expected to post course grades on Blackboard

    Professors should not be expected to post course grades on Blackboard

    Every syllabus handed out to Elizabethtown College students is required to contain several different parts, regardless of the class or department. One of the most important sections being a statement of class policy about grades, attendance, examinations and other expectations of the students. Each section extensively describes and outlines the course work and requirements that

  • Texting professors requires professionalism, appropriateness

    Texting professors requires professionalism, appropriateness

    As a socially conscientious 18-year-old, I have used texting to cover up amusingly awkward situations. When I don’t have a car, which is all the time, it gets ridiculous to remain in a small store after feigning interest in all 70 flavors of soup on display. That’s when I try to appear preoccupied with my

  • Majors that require more credits are not necessarily hardest

    Anyone who ever bothered to read any publications from the Office of Registration and Records knows Elizabethtown College requires 125 credits to graduate.  However, the number of credits required to complete a major varies greatly depending on area of study.  A conversation which I often have with other students revolves around this concept. As an

  • Senior encourages exemplifying ‘Educate for Service’ daily

    Senior encourages exemplifying ‘Educate for Service’ daily

    During the flurry that was Homecoming, I was able to reunite and catch up with some of my favorite alumni. “How’s work? How’s grad school? I’d totally love to visit some time! Oh, your student loans won’t be paid off until you die?” It was good to see so many familiar faces, because for me,

  • Parody Twitter account replies to author

    Parody Twitter account replies to author

    Many of you probably read my article last week on the parody Twitter accounts of Elizabethtown College. These accounts include Etown Confessions and the new Etown Creep account. I brought up how degrading some of the posts on Etown Confessions are and the legality of what the Etown Creep was doing. While I received praise

  • Rain increases hardships for Jays; poor weather does not warrant many complaints

    Rain increases hardships for Jays; poor weather does not warrant many complaints

    Break out the umbrellas, ponchos and canoes, folks. The Elizabethtown summer weather has apparently overstayed its welcome, and rain clouds now loom on the horizon. Over the next few months, we should expect the standard volatile weather — for which Etown is rather notorious — to resurface. But what shall we poor college students do

  • Seasonally-branded products spark excitement throughout the year

    Seasonally-branded products spark excitement throughout the year

    It is finally that time of year: fall! I always look forward to my apple cider and apple cider flavored doughnuts from the local orchards around this time of year. But why do I wait until this season to enjoy these particular items? Why don’t I consume them during spring instead? The answer is because

  • Athlete reflects on MAC experience

    Athlete reflects on MAC experience

    The Middle Atlantic Conference (MAC) has been my home for three years now. Since my first few minutes as a Blue Jay soccer player, competing in the MAC has been both an honor and a privilege that I have enjoyed. The chance to play against Messiah College, the best team in our division, along with