• Marshall discusses transformative powers of conflict management

    Marshall discusses transformative powers of conflict management

    We need to see conflict not only as destructive, but also pregnant with possibilities,” Dr. Ellen Ott Marshall stated in her presentation on conflict management in Leffler Chapel and Performance Center on Wednesday, Nov. 6. Marshall currently teaches Christian ethics at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University.  Marshall taught at Elizabethtown College from

  • Music lyrics do not define quality

    Music lyrics do not define quality

    One of the deepest questions I have struggled to answer in recent memory comes from a thought-provoking music video I saw several weeks ago. The video itself provided several possible answers to the question, all of which seemed plausible, but how was I to pick between them? I know that countless people across the world

  • Community fosters interpersonal engagement despite cliques

    Community fosters interpersonal engagement despite cliques

    Remember when we were toddlers who retreated to mother, clinging to her arm as she introduced us to some unfamiliar people? The typical reaction to strangers of a four-year-old reflects that, while humans have an innate desire to associate with others, we have a propensity to gravitate toward associations that offer close relationships within familiar

  • Letter to the editor expresses concerns about politician’s radical viewpoints

    Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum is very familiar with the devil. Thanks to his warnings in 2008, America learned that Satan (the father of all devils) was insidiously attacking the “great institutions of America”—notably, its colleges and universities. Shortly thereafter, a search ensued at Elizabethtown College for signs of the bad man—and sure enough, Homer

  • ‘Comedy of Terrors’ garners strong reviews

    ‘Comedy of Terrors’ garners strong reviews

    Comedy of Terrors,” written by Terri Mastrobuono and company, was the first drama that I have seen at Elizabethtown College. I loved every minute of it! Since I have studied Italian for five years, I appreciated the ongoing Italian theme throughout the performance. The comedic techniques used during the show included a combination of slapstick

  • False excuses imply laziness

    We have all heard — and quite possibly used ourselves — the “my dog ate my homework” excuse during elementary school. Or middle school, if you were dumb enough to think it would work that late in your schooling career. As college students, we tend to employ our own ridiculous excuses for forgetting our homework