have seen a good number of people fall on their behinds during the wintry season; those brief walks on the ice are pretty dangerous. I, of course, triumph over the treacherous terrain as gracefully as a gazelle wearing a pair of Air Jordans (now if only I could stop tripping down the BSC steps), but
READ MOREIf Homer had a mission in life, besides seeking to ensure a regular supply of scones at the Blue Bean, it would be to come to the aid of very rich people who get caught committing financial crimes. In this, Homer is in good company. Take the editors of the country’s leading business newspaper, the
READ MORERalph Waldo Emerson once said, “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” I’m sure by now we have all noticed that everywhere we walk on this campus, there really is no straight path. I’m sure that even now with snow on the ground,
READ MOREDr. Amy Milligan, visiting associate professor of women and gender studies here at Elizabethtown College, is also a Blue Jay who has returned to the nest. Milligan graduated from Etown in 2004 with a bachelor’s degree in religious studies and German. After graduation, she spent a year in Marburg, Germany with a Fulbright scholarship. After
READ MORE“Reality TV has been functioning as backlash on women’s rights, cultural progress and social progress,” Jennifer Pozner said in her presentation “Project Brainwash: Why Reality TV is Bad for Women.” The event occurred in Leffler Chapel and Performance Center on Wednesday, Nov. 20. Pozner, a media critic and journalist, founded Women in Media & News
READ MORELast year, in a fit of panic, I sprung out of bed in a nervous sweat. Obscenities flew out of my mouth as I eyeballed the red numbers on my digital desk clock. I had accidentally slept through two classes, but even worse, my future was in jeopardy. I nervously double-clicked on the Firefox logo
READ MOREThe best part about “Thor: The Dark World” is walking out of the theater into the world and wondering why it doesn’t look like Asgard anymore. Better than the first film, “The Dark World” brings suspense, laughs and a little bit of romance into a story that’s more fantastical than any other Marvel movie. The
READ MOREThere is nothing better than a little break from the late nights of studying at the High Library and the cold walks back to your dorm after the librarian asks you to leave because it’s 1 a.m. My opinion is I would rather have more short breaks throughout my college semesters rather than long, extensive
READ MORETo prepare college students for the “real world,” professors set strict deadlines, with harsh consequences for students who miss them. Repercussions range from a drop in a letter grade to a “0” depending upon the professor. The reasoning behind such restrictions is usually the same: in life, extensions won’t exist. In the world that professors