Kreider Farms, located in Manheim, Pa., discovered in September that their corporation was being audited by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, an investigative section of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This means that DHS intended to host an official examination of Kreider Farms’ account. According to an article written by Suzanne Cassidy and
READ MOREThursday, Jan. 26, Clipper Magazine laid off forty employees from their Mountville, Pa. location. The major positions affected were the art production and sales support departments. One of the reasons behind the layoffs was the availability of new technology which increased efficiency; therefore, the company could produce the same results with fewer workers. According to
READ MOREThe Obama administration is now requiring that all employers offer birth control to their employees without a co-pay. The White House is making sure this requirement is applied to all faith-based universities and hospitals as well. This new health reform will be put in place starting Aug. 1, 2012. This means that after this time