• New bridge on College Avenue poses threat to environment, wildlife

    New bridge on College Avenue poses threat to environment, wildlife

    March 20, the Elizabethtown Borough opened a bridge on College Avenue connecting across Conoy Creek. The bridge now joins with Bainbridge Street, previously diverted due to expansion on the M&M/Mars Factory. Although the bridge is convenient for Elizabethtown citizens and students, environmental factors affecting wildlife in the high traffic area may pose a hazard. Currently,

  • Scholarships, awards offered for entrepreneurially-minded

    Scholarships, awards offered for entrepreneurially-minded

    The Entrepreneurship Program at Elizabethtown College has been very, well, entrepreneurial lately, acquiring multiple contributions from donors to aid Etown students through scholarships and awards. The Nuts About Granola Innovation Scholarship, a new financial incentive for entrepreneurial students concerned about sustainability, is an offering through the College and alumnae Sarah Lanphier ’09, founder of Nuts

  • Dr. Pauline Yu to address class of 2012

    Dr. Pauline Yu to address class of 2012

    Elizabethtown College is honored to have Dr. Pauline Yu as the commencement speaker for the 2012 graduation ceremony. This is the 109th commencement ceremony at Etown and will be held on May 19 at 11 a.m. The ceremony is a very important occasion for graduating Etown students. It is a day many share with family