• Accelerated master’s degree in business administration added to CCEDL program

    Accelerated master’s degree in business administration added to CCEDL program

    Elizabethtown College’s adult accelerated degree program has recently added a master’s degree in  business administration to its program. This is the first graduate degree the Center for Continuing Education and Distance Learning (CCEDL) has offered. The MBA program is created for business professionals with at least three years of management/leadership experience. For students who already

  • Housing issues caused by higher-than-expected retention

    Housing issues caused by higher-than-expected retention

    As Elizabethtown College students moved into their new homes for the semester, some took issue with their living situations. In addition, upperclassmen were encouraged to pursue off-campus housing and many were left in transitional rooms. “It is the upperclassmen retention numbers, not the size of the freshman class, causing the excess of students,” Allison Bridgeman,