Student Senate held a Town Hall meeting last Thursday, Feb. 21 to discuss the bias-related incidents on campus as well as the tuition raise for the next school year. “By a show of hands, have you ever experienced an act of hate toward you or someone else, either here or off-campus?” Hands shot up around
READ MORE“Letters to a Young Poet,” a book written by Rainer Maria Rilke, was translated from German by Dr. Mark Harman, professor of English and modern language. The translation took him about two years with his teaching and other obligations. Harman noted that one of his most productive times working on the project was at the
READ MOREElizabethtown College’s Dr. Susan Mapp, associate professor and chair of the social work department, was recently published in the Journal of Social Work Education (JSWE). Her essay is titled “Effect of Short-Term Study Abroad Programs on Students’ Cultural Adaptability.” The Journal of Social Work Education is a professional journal that has around 4,000 subscribers. The