Elizabethtown College’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCPS) launched its new website this June. After undergoing a complete graphic redesign, content rework and organizational restructuring, the site is now tailored for a more user-friendly experience. Over ten months, the College’s Office of Marketing and Communications (OMC) and Information and Technology Services (ITS) developed the
READ MOREThe Department of Communications completed renovations to its new E-Media Center at the beginning of the fall 2013 semester. Students from the Department of Physics and Engineering worked with Facilities Management and Helm Construction to assist in the renovations. Junior Graham Lenker, ECTV-40 Station Manager, and junior Ryan Carson, WWEC FM Station Manager, were “Steinman
READ MOREGibble Auditorium, one of three lecture facilities on campus, underwent renovations to meet new academic and performance standards. The auditorium was originally a phase of the Science, Mathematics and Engineering Center (SMEC) project that was delayed because of scheduling and timing. Mark Zimmerman, director of Facilities Management, said it was noted during the programming phase