• Literary magazine undergoes rebranding

    The campus literary magazine, formerly known as “Fine Print,” has been renamed “VOX.” Senior Kyler Koons, a professional writing major and editor-in-chief of the magazine, is responsible for the revamped name and the overall rebranding of the magazine. A veteran staff member of Fine Print, Koons felt that the title was unoriginal, and that it

  • BCA suspends Rome study abroad option

    BCA suspends Rome study abroad option

    Brethren Colleges Abroad recently decided to suspend their Rome, Italy program for the coming year. Newly hired Director of Academic Affairs Dr. Stephen Burwood, explained why students interested in traveling abroad to that location can look forward to a completely redesigned curriculum in the near future. “What was happening was that we were getting a

  • Local native serves as assistant director of annual fund

    Kimberly Arntz is the  new Assistant Director of the Annual Fund of Elizabethtown College. Arntz, originally from Elizabethtown, Pa. herself, has returned to her hometown to accept the position. The Annual Fund supports areas on campus which are in the greatest need of assistance based on criteria set by the College. The Assistant Director of



  • Cyberbullying-inspired Android app examined

    Cyberbullying-inspired Android app examined

    Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. This schoolyard chant may be even less true now than when it originated. With today’s multiple outlets for technology, bullying others through use of harsh words has become easier than ever. Though anonymous, students can easily bully others via text messaging, Facebook,

  • Protests occur on Wall Street, students should stay informed

    Protests occur on Wall Street, students should stay informed

    “We are the 99 percent!” screamed the angry youth taking to the streets of New York City. They are referring to the fact that the top 1 percent of the population in America sits on the highest percentage of the wealth. The youth want to reclaim the future from greedy bankers and politicians. “We are

  • Core program represents opportunity for growth

    Core program represents opportunity for growth

    Elizabethtown College requires a core program, and while a number of people love it, others do not really care for it. Some students feel as though taking courses outside of their major is a waste of time, but a part of the student population believes it has opened up new doors for them. The forty-four