• Sophomore forms geocaching club

    Sophomore forms geocaching club

    The Geocaching Club, headed by sophomore Matthew Hornbaker, is one of the newest additions to the list of Elizabethtown College clubs. “I formed this club to bring a unique, fun, world-famous hobby to the students of Etown,” Hornbaker said. “I want to educate and show peers the joy of geocaching.” According to Hornbaker, the outdoor

  • Department of Modern Languages welcomes new French professor

    Dr. Vanessa Borilot, Assistant Professor of French, is a native of the Guadeloupe Islands and has recently joined the Elizabethtown College staff. Those French-speaking islands are located in the Caribbean and are known for their rich literary history, which has resulted in many authors, poets and professors like Borilot. She specializes in French and Francophone,

  • International dance encourages cross-cultural experiences

    People from all over the world have their own unique ways of dancing. The International Student Services Team at Elizabethtown College wanted a way to bring all these culturally-different dancing styles together so that Etown students can experience them first-hand. Kristi Anne Syrdahl, director of international student services, has been working on this idea for



  • Does Student Senate advocate student rights?

    Does Student Senate advocate student rights?

    At every level of American society, there are elected officials who have been voted into a position of power by one group or another to lead someone or something. Going hand-in-hand with that are the complaints filed against those leaders—if something goes wrong, it’s their fault, they caused this catastrophe. If something goes right, they’re

  • Black Friday causes shoppers to stress

    Black Friday is a time for people to tent out in front of stores, like Best Buy, for eight hours in hopes of getting 30 percent off items like iPads. It is a marketing invention used to delude people into thinking they are getting the best deals on the hottest items. People become animalistic over,

  • Broke senior offers creative money-saving tips

    Broke senior offers creative money-saving tips

    There is no one who is more marginalized in the first world than college students. We are always being exploited for free labor, having our IDs checked and being told to turn our music down. We are stereotyped as people who drink all day and we are all fans of the band Vampire Weekend (I