Elizabethtown College is offering a new online course called “East Asia: A Seminar for Teachers,” a seminar exploring the history, geography, literature and cultures of China, Japan and Korea. This is the first year it is being offered to students of Etown’s education department. The main sections tackled in the course are arts and humanities,
READ MOREThe department of Politics, Philosophy and Legal Studies welcomed a new assistant professor of Political Science and Asian Studies. Assistant Professor Dan Chen grew up in China and lived there through the end of her undergraduate schooling. She then attended the University of Kansas, training as a comparativist with a focus on Chinese politics. She
READ MOREOn Friday, Oct. 31, the Class of 2016 Student Senate will announce the date of Junior/Senior Formal at their “Hallo-Wing Night” class unity event in Hoover 110. “We wanted to reward our class for their winning homecoming float by giving them top-secret information about Junior/Senior,” Representative Nicole Curcio said. The event will feature wings, trivia
READ MOREI am writing this letter to the campus community in response to something that I recently saw on campus. Within a short span of fifteen minutes, the time it took me to walk from my car to the Jay’s Nest and from the Jay’s Nest to my office, I saw two incidents that I found
READ MOREAPOLOGIES During the past week, we have learned quite a bit about the definition of and the actions behind being a publication of integrity and how we failed these standards in relation to “The Neglected Few: An Editorial,” which appeared in the Feb. 2 issue of the Etownian. Although we do not retract our statements
READ MOREMy thanks to the staff members of the Etownian for opening a discussion on the status of the diversity plan at Elizabethtown College. That tells me is two things: 1) students value and, as they should, demand a diverse educational experience and 2) we need to do a better job of sharing the good news