• Walk of Love 5k run/walk event raises money for orphaned children

    Walk of Love 5k run/walk event raises money for orphaned children

    The Walk of Love cross country 5k run and fun walk took place at Elizabethtown College  on  Saturday, Oct. 25. Participants came together to raise money to benefit orphaned children around the world. Sophomore Juliana Mowen lives in the Hope House Student Directed Learning Community (SDLC) and works with the charity Brittany’s Hope to help

  • Engineering program benefits from newly dedicated “Fab Lab”

    n Friday, Oct. 24 at 1 p.m., the new Bollman Fabrication Laboratory was dedicated. The lab replaced the greenhouses attached to Esbenshade. The advanced prototyping lab, nicknamed the “Fab Lab,” will be used in several engineering courses to give engineering students a place to complete various projects. According to an email distributed prior to the

  • Class of 1976 alumna receives Educate for Service award, highest alumni honor

    Class of 1976 alumna receives Educate for Service award, highest alumni honor

    On Friday, Oct. 24, Class of 1976 alumna Nancy Dering Mock received the Service Through Professional Achievement Award of 2014. The ceremony took place during the President’s Dinner held at the Masonic Village in Elizabethtown. The Alumni Council selected Mock as one of three recipients of the Educate for Service Awards. Rachel Jones Williams (’06)



  • Assault on free enterprise, top banker’s knighthood revoked

    Assault on free enterprise, top banker’s knighthood revoked

    The report from Britain is not reassuring. The Tories, supposedly the ally of business interests, are showing signs of hostility to capitalism. It is as if Mitt Romney were to propose an individual mandate as part of health insurance reform. Or Newt Gingrich were to accept honorariums from Freddie Mac to impart history lessons to

  • Proposed higher ed. reforms face obstacles

    Proposed higher ed. reforms face obstacles

    In the State of the Union address, President Barack Obama’s announcement about higher education initiatives to make college more affordable to Americans immediately drew applause from the audience. His proposals include plans to reduce interest rates on student loans and extend popular tax credits. “Higher education can’t be a luxury—it’s an economic imperative that every

  • Writer encourages all to “express your individuality”

    Writer encourages all to “express your individuality”

    Remember the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show? The one with the girls in underwear and angel wings? Of course you do, because even if you didn’t actually watch it on TV (I was forced to, I swear), you read about it on Facebook for the next three hours — stuff along the lines of “never eating