• CAC schedules bone marrow drive

    Elizabethtown College offers programs such as “Into the Streets” for students to become involved with the community and offer assistance to others. Similarly, the Colleges Against Cancer club at Etown hopes to engage students in fighting cancer with its bone marrow drive on Dec. 1 in the KAV. Colleges Against Cancer (CAC) is offered at

  • Donna Hicks speaks at Leffler about dignity, successful conflict mediation

    Donna Hicks speaks at Leffler about dignity, successful conflict mediation

    Last night, Dr. Donna Hicks presented a lecture entitled “A Matter of Dignity: The Role it Plays in Resolving Conflict” at Leffler Chapel and Performance Center. Besides being an author, Hicks is a presenter for the BBC, co-hosting “Facing the Truth” with Archbishop Desmond Tutu. She is also an associate at the Weatherhead Center for

  • Office of Diversity, Human Resources hosts dialogue series

    The Office of Diversity and Human Resources is presenting a three-part dialogue series focusing on cross-cultural communications. Facilitated by Director of Diversity and Assistant Professor of Social Work Diane Elliott and Peacemaker-in-Residence Jonathan Rudy, the series seeks to help Elizabethtown College faculty and staff establish a more meaningful and honest understanding between Etown’s diverse groups.



  • Put Your Records On: Laura Stevenson and the Cans

    Put Your Records On: Laura Stevenson and the Cans

    On the Turntable: Laura Stevenson and the Cans Genre: Folk Rock My Rating: Refreshing beats and ingenious lyrics coalesce to soothe your music soul. Before I get down to business, I just want to ask: did you watch the Grammys?! Kudos to Bon Iver for winning “Best New Artist” and “Best Alternative Album;” although, you’ve

  • Company mandates nicotine testing for employees

    Company mandates nicotine testing for employees

    I’ll be the first to admit that I enjoy smoking a pipe or a cigar on rare occasions. I think it surprises many people when I confess to enjoying a high-quality stogie after my cross country or track season ends. The majority of runners typically don’t indulge in smoking, and I wouldn’t recommend it more

  • States remove No Child Left Behind

    States remove No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind, “one of President George W. Bush’s most touted domestic accomplishments,” according to the Huffington Post, is no longer in effect in 10 states. President Barack Obama has freed these states from certain restrictions of No Child Left Behind, such as using only standardized test scores as a way to measure academic